Physician’s family: 1154(b)(2)
Status: 216(h)(2)(A)
Work: 210(a)(3)
See Maximum Benefits
Cooperative: 210(f)(4)(B)
Definition: 210(g)
Products: 210(f)(4)(A)
See Parent
Amount of Benefit
Entitlement to another benefit: 202(g)(1)(C)
Periodic governmental payment: 202(g)(4)
Simultaneous entitlement: 202(k)
Application Requirement
Entitlement factor: 202(g)(1)(D)
Filed with Veterans Affairs, Department of: 202(o)
Child in Care
Beneficiary Worked
No child in care: 203(c)
Rehabilitation services refusal: 222(b)(2)
Spouse (Insured) Worked
Marriage: 202(g)(3)
Railroad insured status: 202(l)
Student child: 202(s)(1)
Widower: 202(g)(1)(B)
Adjustment for disability costs: 221(e)
Appropriations: 201(b)
Authority to lend: 1817
Balance: 709
Borrowing: 201(l)
Budgetary treatment: 710
Check unnegotiated: 201(m)
Contribution rates: 201(b)
Creation: 201(b)
Loan restriction: 1817(j)(5)
Projects; experimental: 201(k)
Rehabilitation services; payment: 222(d)(4)
Transfer of funds: 201(g)(1)(B)
Travel expense payment: 201(j)
See Trust Fund
Government; child custody; limitation: 1101(d)
Payment; capital expenditure; adjustment for: 1122(d)
Public assistance; medical assistance percentage: 1118
Federal Hospital Council: 1122(i)
Administration: 1159(1)
Appropriations: 1817(a)
Authority to borrow: 1817(j)
Balance: 709
Board of Trustees: 1817(b)
Budgetary treatment: 710
Creation: 1817(a)
Definition: 1817(a)
Inadequate balance: 709
Loan: 201(l)
Payment from: 1815(a); 1817; 1818(f); 1876(a)(5), (i)(7)(C)
Penalty: 1128A(f)
Prospective Payment Assessment Commission: 1886(e)(6)(I)(ii)
See Trust Fund
Payment; employer for employee: 209(a)(5)
Taxes: 1886(b)(6)
Adoption assistance: 474(a)(2)
Alternate Federal payment computation: 1118
Child care: 402(g)(3)
Definition: 1905(b)
Foster care maintenance: 474(a)(1)
Adjustment for disability costs: 221(e)
Appropriations: 201(a)
Authority to lend: 1817
Balance: 709
Bequests; gifts: 201(a)
Borrowing: 201(l)
Budgetary treatment: 710
Check unnegotiated: 201(m)
Creation: 201(c)
Demonstration projects: 201(k)
Loan restriction: 1817(j)(5)
Rehabilitation services; payment: 222(d)(4)
Deemed wages of Armed Forces: 229(b)
Deferred vested benefits expense: 1131(b)(2)
Internee (Japanese): 231(c)
Special age 72 payments: 228(g)
Veterans benefits: 217(g)
Transfer of funds: 201(a)
Travel expense payment: 201(j)
See Trust Fund
Adjusted DRG prospective payment rates: 1886(d)(6)
Average of total wages: 215(a)(1)(D)
Carrier budget data, standards, and methodology: 1842(c)(1)(A)(i)
Contribution and benefit base: 230(a)
COL Adjustment
COL %; table of benefits; family maximum; special minimum benefit table; after 1978: 215(i)(2)(D)
Earnings requirement for Q/C: 213(d)(2)
Exempt amount; annual earnings test: 203(f)(8)(A)
Family maximum: 203(a)(2)(C)
Federal percentage: 1101(a)(8)(B)
Hospital insurance
inpatient deductible: 1813(b)(2)
Indexing worker’s earnings: 215(a)(1)(D)
Intermediary budget: 1816(c)(1)
Percentage change; medicare: 1886(e)(5)
PIA: 215(a)(1)(D)
Prospective Payment Assessment Commission: 1886(e)(5)
Regulations: 1871(b)
Renal disease network areas: 1881(c)(1)(A)(i)(end)
SMIB premium rate: 1839(a)
Standards and criteria: 1816(f)
Administration: 1159(2)
Balance: 709
Bequests; gifts: 201(i)
Budgetary treatment: 710
Civil service premium collections: 1840(d)(2)
Creation: 1841
Definition: 1841(a)
Federal premium payments: 1844
Payment from: 1833(a), (m); 1876(a)(5), (i)(7)(C)
Physician Payment Review Commission: 1845(d)
Premium: 1839
Prospective Payment Assessment Commission: 1886(e)(6)(I)(ii)
See Trust Fund
Advances to
Account: 1203
States: 1201(a)(1)
Appropriations: 1203
Carrier: 1842(h)(3)(B)
Disclosure of information: 466(a)(7); 1160(b)(end)
Enrollment: 1902(a)(14); 1916
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(14)
Paternity establishment: 454(6)
Regulations: 454(6); 1833(i)(5)(A)
Representation of claimant: 206(a); 1631(d)(2)
Surgical procedure; ambulatory patient: 1833(i)(5)
User: 1842(h)(3)(B)
General: 209(a)(17); 705(f)(1)
Income exclusion: 1612(b)(7)
Payment: 705(f)(2)
Repayment: 705(f)(3)
Disclosure to Secretary HHS: 202(x)(3)
Effect on
Disability: 223(d)(6)
Monthly benefit payment: 202(x)
Student: 202(d)(7)(A)
See Administrative Finality
Statute of Limitations
Emergency; advance payment: 1631(a)(4)(A)
Participation by State; State plan requirement: 2(a)(2); 454(2); 1002(a)(2); 1402(a)(2); 1602(a)(2)*; 1902(a)(2)
Senate Committee: 1135(c)
Hospital: 1861(e)(end)(C)
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(d)(2)(B)
Federal- State: 1003(b)(2)
See Finance
Exclusion from employment: 210(a)(20)
Trade or business exclusion: 211(c)(2)(F)
Affiliate of U.S. employer: 210(a)
Agricultural worker; exclusion from U.S. employment: 210(a)(1)
Employment: 210(a)(11), (a)(12)
Trade or business: 211(c)(2)(C)
Age reduction in payment: 202(q)(9)
Amount payable; primary insurance benefit: 215(d)(1)(D)
Definition: 475(4)(A)
Definition: 472(c)(1)
Advisory Committee: 479(a)
Appropriation: 470
Assignment: 471(a)(17)
Avoidance: 471(a)(15)
Case plan and review: 471(a)(16)
Child welfare services: 425(a)(1)
Data collection system: 479(c)
Federal technical assistance to State: 476(a)
Hearing right; claimant: 471(a)(12)
Income exclusion: 1612(b)(10)
Independent living initiative: 477
Inventory requirement: 422(b)(10); 472(d)
Duration of payments: 472(e)
Number of children: 471(a)(14)
Payment: 472; 474; 2002(a)(2)(A)
Standards: 471(a)(10), (a)(11); 1616(e)
State plan: 471
Treatment as child welfare services: 423(c)(2)
Certifying officer: 1816(i)(1), (i)(2); 1842(e)(1), (e)(2)
Claims processing and information retrieval systems: 1903(r)(5)(A)(ii)
Systems: 1903(r)
Disbursing officer: 1816(i)(2); 1842(e)(2)
Earnings record impact: 205(c)(5)(E)
Effect on payment to State: 1903(a)(6)
Identification: 1160(b)(1)(A)
Medical assistance: 1925(d)
Nursing facility: 1919(g)(5)(D)
Penalty: 208; 1107(a); 1128(b)(1); 1128B; 1632
Prohibition; current and former employees: 1902(a)(4)
Staffing to deter: 454(15)
State medicaid fraud control-unit: 1903(q)
Deemed wage credits: 217(a)(1)
Definition: 214(a)
Disability benefits: 216(i)(3)
Veterans benefits; deemed: 217(b)(1)
General Fund, Treasury
Interest: 201(a)(end)
Payment; capital expenditure of State: 1122(c)
Retroactive payment reduced by SSI payments: 1127(c)
Transfers to trust funds: 201(a)(end)
Unemployment funds; transfer: 1203
See Block Grant Funds
Trust Fund
* State-administered Title XVI