Alien nonpayment provision: 202(t)(4)(E)
Board, Railroad Retirement
Availability of UC record: 303(c)(1)
Certify to Secretary of Treasury: 1840(b)(2)
Contract with carrier: 1842(g)
Duty; notice; Armed Forces pay credited: 210(l)(4)
Costs incurred in collecting premium: 1841(i)
Crediting compensation: 205(o)
Disability benefits eligibility: 226(f)
Earnings record impact: 205(c)(5)(D)
Employment exclusion: 210(I)(4)
Hospital insurance benefits: 226(a)(2)(B), (b); 1811
Overpayment for item or service: 1870(b)(3), (b)(4)
Premium for medical insurance: 1840(b)
Railroad retirement beneficiary: 226(b)
Renal disease: 226A(a)(1)
Trade or business exclusion: 211(c)(3)
Uniformed services: 210(l)(4)
See Property
See Cost
Wages deemed to internee (Japanese): 231(b)(3)
See Recomputation
Schedule compliance: 1903(g)(6)(C)
Schedules: 1903(g)(6)
Terminally ill: 1814(a)(7)(A)
See Certification
Applicability limitation: 215(f)(7)
Average indexed monthly earnings: 215(f)(2)(B)
Earnings: 215(f)(2)(A)
Effective date: 215(f)(2)(D), (f)(5)
Effect on age reduction: 202(q)(10)
Government employee: 215(f)(9)
Internee (Japanese): 231(b)(3)
Last year of period: 215(f)(2)(C)
Limitations: 215(f)
Mandated; deemed: 215(f)(8)
Post-World War II deemed wage credits: 217(e)(2)
Primary insurance amount: 215(f)
Retirement; delay: 202(w)
Tolerance rule: 215(f)(4)
World War II deemed wage credits: 217(a)(2)
World War II deemed wage credits; VA making payment: 217(b)(2)
Capital expense; health care facility: 1122(f)
Disability; evidentiary hearing: 205(b)(2)
Peer review decision: 1155
State right: 1116(a)(2); 1919(g)(3)(C)
Comptroller General of U.S.: 506(d)(1)
HHS Inspector General: 1128(b)(12)(C)
Secretary: 506(d)(1); 1128(b)(12)(A), (b)(12)(B); 1816(b)(2)(B); 1881(e)(2)(C); 1921(a)(2)
State agency: 1128(b)(12)(B), (b)(12)(D)
Carrier: 1842(b)(3)(E)
Contracts and subcontracts: 1861(v)(1)(I)(end)
Disclosure of information: 1861(v)(1)(I)
Hospice program: 1861(dd)(2)(C)
Hospital costs: 1886(f)(1)
Maintenance: 1703(4); 1902(a)(27)
Nursing facility resident’s funds: 1919(c)(6)(B)
Nursing facility services: 1919(b)(6), (f)(5)(F)
Skilled nursing facility resident’s personal funds: 1819(c)(6)(B)
Skilled nursing facility services: 1819(b)(6)
See Earnings Record
Internal Revenue Service collection: 1817(f)(1)
Premium: 1870(g)
State payment: 408(l)
See Tax Refund
See Payment
Underpayment: 204(a)(1)
Administration: 1871
Advisory Council assistance: 1122(i)
All-inclusive fee for surgical procedures: 1833(i)(5)(A)
Ambulance service: 1861(s)(7)
Antigens: 1861(s)(2)(G)
Claim of provider: 1835(a)(1)
Disability determination: 216(i)(2)(F)(i)
Hospital insurance benefits: 226(a)(2)
Reimbursement for inpatient hospital services: 1814(f)(4); 1835(b)(2)
Arrangement: 1886(c)(1)(E)
Federal Court Review
Secretary HHS
Secretary of Treasury; superendorsement: 205(n)
Benefit; amount: 1869(a)
Benefit table; methodology: 215(a)(6)(B)
Blindness despite SGA: 1619(b)
Blood: 1833(b); 1866(a)(2)(C)
Capital; return on equity capital: 1861(v)(1)(S)
Care review plan: 1902(a)(33)(A)
Certification and recertification: 1814(a)(end); 1835(a)(2), (a)(end)
Charge: 1842(b)(7)(B)
Child; independent living: 477
Child; representative: 453(c)(3)
Child support: 452(b); 465(c); 466(a)(10)
Child Support Program; Garnishment
Legal process: 459(d)
Christian Science Sanatorium
Inpatient services: 1861(y)(1)
Payment: 1861(e)(end)
Compensation: 1887(a)(2)(B)
Contract: 1861(v)(1)(I)(end)
Control: 1124A(a)(1)
Direct and indirect: 1861(v)(1)(A)
Necessary: 223(d)(4); 1861(v)(1)(A)
Nursing care: 1861(v)(1)(J)
Reasonable: 1833(a)(3); 1861(v)(1)(K)(i)
Report: 1878(a)
Rural health clinic: 1902(aa)(1)(4)
Court review: 205(g)
Coverage: 1838(b)
Determination, review, and adjudication: 221(k)(1)
Diagnostic services: 1861(aa)(2)(G)
Dialysis: 1881(b)(2), (b)(8), (b)(9)
Disaster Relief Act: 1612(b)(12); 1613(a)(6)
Disclosure of Information
Department’s possession: 1106(b)
Ownership or control: 1902(a)(38)
Peer review: 1160(a)(2)
Safeguards: 1137(a)(5)(B)
Domestic work wages: 209(c)
Drugs: 1612(b)(4)(B)(ii); 1614(a)(3)(E); 1861(s)(2)(A), (s)(2)(B)
Earnings; substantial gainful activity: 223(d)(4)
Education: 1861(aa)(5)
Eligible Organization
Enrollment: 1876(c)(3)
Limited cost reimbursement: 1876(h)(4)(C)
Quality assurance: 1876(c)(6)
Emergency: 1861(aa)(2)(H)
Employee of provider: 1866(a)(1)(D)
Entitlement determination: 1869(a)
Evidence: 205(a), (j)(2); 1631(a)(2)(B)
Examination; consultation: 221(j)
Child support collection: 454(6)
Paternity determination: 454(6)
Representation of claimant: 206(a); 1631(d)(2)
Procedures: 459(f)
Good cause: 203(l); 205(c)(2)(C); 1132(b)
Hearing: 1869(b)(2)
Home energy: 1612(b)(13)
Home health aide: 1861(m)(4)
Homeless: 1611(e)(1)(D)
Hospice care: 1814(i)(1)
Benefits: 226(a)(2)(A), (b)(2)(C)(i)
Charge: 1903(i)(3)
Participation: 1861(e)(end)(B)
Hospital insurance benefits: 226(a)(2)(A), (b)(2)(C); 1818(b); 1837(a)
Husband’s reduced benefit: 202(q)(5)(A)(i)
Income: 1631(a)(3)
Indemnification: 1879(b)
Information: 452(d)(1)(G); 1106(b); 1611(c)(4)(B); 1128(b)(10)
Intermediate care facility: 1902(a)(31)
Kidney donation: 1881(d)
Reasonable charge: 1842(b)(3)(end)
Reasonable cost: 1861(v)(1)(K)(i)
Medical Assistance
Income: 1915(c)(3), (d)(5)(B)(iii)
Overpayment: 1885(b)
Payment: 1903(u)(1)(E)(i)
Support plan: 1930(d)(6)
State: 1902(a)(13)(E), (a)(16)
Medicare entitlement: 226(a)(2)(A)
Medicare Supplemental Policies
Certification procedure: 1882(h)
General: 1882(f)(1)
Money collected incorrectly: 1866(a)(1)(C)
Network organization: 1881(c)(1)(C)
Nominal amount: 1916(a)(3), (b)(3)
Nonpayment; public assistance: 228(d)
Carrier; hearing: 1842(b)(5)
Providers and public; of noncompliance: 1816(g)(2); 1866(d)
Public and facility: 1881(g)(2)
Nursing facility: 1919(f)(7)
Ownership and control; disclosure: 1124(a)(1); 1124A(a)(1)
Pacemaker: 1862(h)(2), (h)(3)
Participation: 1128(g)
Adjustments and exceptions: 1886(d)(5)(I)
Appeal; CDI: 223(g)(1); 1631(a)(7)(A)
Frequency: 228(c)(8); 1631(a)(1)
Limits: 1833(a)(1)
Recipient: 1870(e)(1)
Renal dialysis: 1881(b)(2)(B), (b)(7)
Carrier: 1842(b)(3)(B)
Individual: 1814(a)(1); 1835(a)(1)
Requirements: 1814(d)(2); 1835(b)(2)
Services furnished by excluded individuals and entities: 1862(e)(2)
Surgical assistant: 1842(b)(7)(D)(i)
Peer review: 1154(a)(8)
Time for aggregate of services: 1881(b)(3)(B)
When requirements deemed not met: 1865(b)
Personnel: 1861(cc)(1)
Physical therapist: 1861(p)(end)
Certification of care: 1814(a)(end); 1835(a)(2), (a)(end); 1902(a)(44)
Charges: 1887(b)(2)
Participation: 1128(c)
Proceedings; formal: 1921(a)(1)
Professional [medical]services: 1887(a)(1)
Professional Review
Care: 1902(a)(33)(A)
Intermediate care: 1902(a)(31)
Professional team: 1881(b)(9)(A)
Promulgation procedures: 221(k)(2)
Provider or facility; agreement requirements: 1881(b)(5)
Psychiatric hospital: 1905(h)(1)(B)(i)
Public assistance: 228(d)
RRB contract with carrier: 1842(g)
Reasonable Cost
Charity expense: 1861(v)(1)(M)
Physician services: 1861(v)(1)(D)
Salary cost differential: 1861(v)(1)(J)
Recertification by physician; services required: 1903(g)(1)
Recomputation: 215(f)(2)(A)
Record, report, or other paper: 1106(a)
Regulatory impact analysis: 1102(c)(end)
Center: 1861(m)(7)
Services: 222(d)(5)
Reimbursement: 1861(v)(1)(A)
Renal Dialysis
Payment: 1881(b)(7), (g)(2)
Supplies and equipment: 1881(b)(8)
Report: 203(h)(1)(A); 1121; 1861(v)(1)(F); 1903(q)(7)
Reporting system; health services facilities: 1121(a)
Representation of beneficiary/claimant: 206(a)(1); 1631(d)(2)
Rights of individual: 1879(d)
Rural health clinic: 1861(aa)(5); 1902(a)(13)(E)
Satellite relationship: 1861(v)(1)(E)
School attendance: 402(a)(19)(E)
Self- employment: 203(f)(4)(A)
Extended care services: 1861(v)(1)(B), (y)(2); 1866(d)
Handicapped persons: 1620(e)
Hospital inpatient: 1862(a)(14)
Rural health clinic: 1902(a)(13)(E)
Screening and diagnostic: 1905(a)(4)(B)
Significant business transaction: 1128(b)(10)(B)
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(f)(7); 1861(v)(1)(E)
Act: 1102
Spousal support: 465(c)
Staffing requirements; exceptions: 454(15)
Inpatient services; psychiatric hospital: 1905(h)(1)(B)(i)
Physical therapist: 1861(p)
State disability determination: 221(a)(2)
Agreement modification: 1843(b)
Child support program: 452(g)(3)(A)
Employees: 454(14)
Licensing proceedings: 1921(a)(1)
Medicare supplemental health insurance policies: 1882(j)
Staffing: 454(15)
Time to submit plan: 1922(a)(1)
State Disability Determinations
Student; full-time: 202(d)(7)(A)
Subcontractor: 1128(b)(10)(A)
Substantial gainful activity: 223(d)(4); 1614(a)(3)(D)
SMI Premiums; Payment
Deduction from Benefits
Railroad: 1840(b)(1)
Social security: 1840(a)(1)
Refund: 1870(g)
Support; Child and Spousal
SSI: 1620(e)*; 1631(a)(3), (d)(1)
Surgical assistant: 1842(b)(7)(D)(i)
Survey findings; publication: 1902(a)(36)
Tax returns; transmitted by Commissioner of Internal Revenue: 1106(a)
Termination; time and notice: 1866(b)(1), (b)(2)
Title II: 205(a)
Totalization agreement: 233(d)
Training: 1861(aa)(5); 1878(a)(1)(B), (a)(1)(C)
Underpayment: 204(a)(1)
U.S. citizens; repatriation: 1113(a)(2)
Utilization review: 1861(w)(2), (cc)(2)(G)
Utilization Review Committee
Requirements: 1861(k)
Time: 1861(k)(3)
Wages: 209(b); 213(d)(2)(B); 215(a)(1)(B)(ii)(II); 224(f)(2); 1611(c)(4)(B)*
Waiver: 1886(c)(1)(E)
Widow’s insurance benefit: 202(e)(1)(C)(ii)(III)
Widower’s insurance benefit: 202(f)(1)(C)(ii)(III)
Wife’s reduced benefit: 202(q)(5)(A)(i)
Workmen’s compensation: 1862(b)(2)(A)(ii)
Written Request; Requirements
Individual: 1814(a)(1); 1835(a)(1)
To carrier: 1842(b)(3)(B)
Compliance: 1864(a)
Payment: 1816(c)(2)(C)
Provider of services: 1835(a)(2)(end); 1866(e)
Center: 1861(m)(7)
Child: 501(a)(1)(C)
Convicted felon: 202(x)(1)
Cost to State reimbursed: 1615(d)
Disability ended: 1631(a)(6)
Effect: 225(b)
Family: 2001(3)
Good cause for refusal: 1615(c)
Income disregard: 1402(a)(8)(C); 1602(a)(14)(B)*
Medical assistance: 1901
Outpatient: 1832(a)(2)(E); 1835(a)(2)(E); 1861(z), (cc); 1864(a)
Payment: 222(d)
Persons who may be selected: 222(d)(1)
Regulations: 222(d)(5); 1861(m)(7)
Reimbursement: 1615(e)
Renal disease patient: 1881(c)(2), (c)(6)
Resources disregard: 1402(a)(8)(C); 1602(a)(14)(B)*
Review: 1615(a)
State: 1615(d); 1902(a)(11)(A)
Actuarial information; special data: 1874(b)
Hospital; control system: 1886(c)
Optional State supplementation: 1616(d)
Prospective rate methodology: 1135
Regulations: 1861(v)(1)(A)
Secretary/State agreement; interim assistance payment: 1631(g)(4)
To State for interim assistance payment: 1631(g)
To Trust Fund
Cost of deferred vested benefits; notices: 1131(b)(2)
Deemed wages of serviceperson: 229(b)
Group health plan: 1862(b)(2)(B)
Use of State agency: 1864(c)
General: 216(d)(1)
Natural; defective ceremonial marriage: 216(h)(2)(B)
State law: 216(h)(2)(A)
Duration; waiver for survivor: 216(k)
Parent: 216(h)(2)
Spouse: 216(h)(1)
Employment; election of coverage: 210(a)(8)(A)
Net earnings from self- employment: 211(a)(7)
Tax exemption; trade or business: 211(c)(end)
Trade or business exclusion: 211(c)(2)(D), (c)(4), (c)(end)
Wages: 209(g)
See Court [Review]
Divorced husband; termination -event: 202(c)(4)
Divorced wife; termination -event: 202(b)(1)(H), (b)(3)
Parent: 202(h)(1)(end), (h)(4)
Same person; waiver; survivor -benefit: 216(k)
After age 50; disabled: 202(e)(3)
After age 60: 202(e)(3)
Termination -event: 202(e)(1)(end)
See Work
Administration of program: 1881(c)
Exclusion from: 1862(b)(1)(C)
Kidney donor: 1881(d)
Scope: 1881(a)
End Stage
Dialysis supplies: 1881(f)(7)
Entitlement month; hospital benefits: 226A(b)
Entitlement requirements: 226A(a)
Exclusion applicability: 1862(b)(1)(C)
Network administrative organization: 1881(c)(1)(A)
Registry: 1881(c)(7)
Regulations: 1881(b)(2)(B), (b)(2)(C), (b)(7)
Supplementary medical insurance; enrollment: 226A(c)
Termination month; hospital benefits: 226A(b)
Vocational rehabilitation: 1881(c)(2)(A), (c)(2)(B)
Equipment: 1881(e)
Experiments and studies: 1881(f)
Home dialysis: 1861(s)(2)(F)
Report to Congress: 1881(f)(8)
See Payment
Child support program: 452(a)(5)
Congress; to, by
Advisory Committee: 479(a)(3)
Board of Trustees: 201(c), (l)(4); 709(a); 1817(b)(2), (b)(3), (j)(4)
President; totalization agreement: 233(e)(1)
Prospective Payment Assessment Commission: 1886(e)(3)
Secretary HHS
Addicts: 1611(e)(3)(B)
Certification; no payment increase: 1814(j)(1)
Child care: 402(i)(6)
Child support program: 452(a)(10)
Continuing Disability Investigation
Health care: 1875(a)
Health care outcomes: 1142(h)
Hospital and SNF compliance: 1880(d)
Hospital discharges: 1886(d)(4)(C)(iv), (e)(3)
Hospital insurance benefits: 1875(b)
Maternal and child health: 506(a)(3)
Medical and social services to pilot program: 1620(f)
Medicare Supplemental Policies
Model prospective rate methodology: 1135
Peer review program: 1161
Proportion of denied bills: 1879(f)(6)
Renal disease: 1881(f)(8)
State payment: 1903(r)(8)(B)
State plan: 402(h)(3)
Trust funds: 201(c)
Unemployment: 1115(d)
Supplemental Health Insurance Panel: 1882(i)(2)(B)
Health services facilities/organizations: 1121
Home and community care: 1929(e)(2)
Hospice care: 1861(dd)(4)(B)
Peer review organization to Secretary: 1154(a)(16)
Provider to Secretary: 1861(v)(1)(F), (dd)(4)(B); 1886(c)(5)(B)(iii)
Regulations: 1903(q)(7)
State to Secretary
Adoption: 476(b)
Audit findings: 506(b)(1)
Change affecting payment to hospital: 1886(c)(5)(D)
Child; independent living: 477(g)
Expenditures: 3(b)(1); 403(b)(1); 455(b)(1); 1003(b)(1); 1403(b)(1); 1603(b)(1)*; 1903(d)(1)
Foster care: 476(b)
Hospital; reimbursement control: 1886(c)(5)(B)(iii)
Maternal and child health services: 506(a)(1)
Payments; intended use: 2004
Penalty; provider of services: 1902(a)(41)
Proceedings against practitioner or entity: 1921
Sanctions against practitioner or entity: 1902(a)(49)
State plan requirement: 2(a)(6); 402(a)(6); 471(a)(6); 1002(a)(6); 1402(a)(6); 1602(a)(6)*; 1703(4); 1902(a)(6)
State to Secretary of Labor: 303(a)(6)
Appointment: 6(a)(4)
Authority of Secretary: 1869(b)
Court-appointed payee: 1605(a)(end)(D)*
Disqualification: 1872
Fee: 1631(a)(2)(D); 1869(b)
Misuse: 1631(a)(2)(E)
Nursing facility resident: 1919(c)(5)(B)(ii)
Parent Locator Service: 453(c)(3)
Payment: 1111
Rules and regulations: 206(a); 1631(d)(2)
Skilled nursing facility resident: 1819(c)(5)(B)(ii)
Agencies: 205(j)(3)(F)
Aid to blind: 1006(1)
Aid to permanently and totally disabled: 1405
Alcoholic: 1631(a)(2)
Court appointed: 1006(4)
Drug addict: 1631(a)(2)
Facility-of-payment provision: 203(i)
Fee: 205(j)(4); 1631(a)(2)(D)
Incompetent: 205(k)
Legal guardian or representative: 1111; 1605(a)(end)(D)*
Misuse: 205(j)(5); 1631(a)(2)(E)
Old-age assistance payments: 6
Payment of support collected: 454(12)
Recipient; physical or mental condition: 1605(a)(end)(A)*
Report: 202(n)(1)(A), (n)(2), (t)(1)(A), (t)(8), (u)(2); 203(g), (h)(1)(A), (h)(3); 205(j)(3)(D); 208; 222(b); 224(e); 225(a); 1631(a)(2)(C)(v)
Resident of Federal institution: 205(j)(3)(C); 1631(a)(2)(C)(iv)
Selection: 205(j)(1)
Standards: 1605(a)(mid)*
State oversight: 406(b)(2)
Health: 502(a)(2)(B)
Welfare: 426
Exclusion from coverage: 1862(a)(1)(E)
Health care: 1143
Maternal health: 502(a)(2)(B)
Project: 1110
Unemployment compensation: 906
See Trust Fund
Alien nonpayment provision: 202(t)(4)(B), (t)(11)
Community residence: 1611(e)(1)(C)
Employer: 210(a)
Hospital benefits: 1818(a)(3)
Medical benefits: 1836
Requirement: 2(b)(2); 4(1); 1002(b)(1); 1004(1); 1006(end); 1402(b)(1); 1404(1); 1602(b)(2)*; 1616(c)(1)
Special age 72 benefits: 228(a)(3)
State: 6(a); 1605(a)(end)*
Alien’s sponsor: 1614(f)(3)
Deeming: 1614(f)
Definition: 1917(c)(5)
Disregard: 1002(a)(8)
Eligibility factor: 2(a)(10)(A); 1002(a)(8); 1109; 1402(a)(8); 1602(a)(14)*; 1611(a)(1)(B), (a)(2)(B), (g); 1902(m)
Coverage Group
Colleges: 218(d)(6)(B)
Hospitals: 218(d)(6)(B)
Political subdivisions: 218(d)(6)(A)
State and local coverage: 218(d)(4)
Definition: 218(b)(4)
Ineligibles: 218(c)
Interstate instrumentality: 218(g)(2)
Multiple systems: 218(d)(8)
Policy of Congress: 218(d)(2)
Position no longer covered: 218(j)
State and local coverage: 218(d)(1)
Systems deemed: 218(d)(6)
Wisconsin retirement fund: 218(i)
Claim: 1902(a)(37)
Determination: 205(b)(3); 1116; 1631(c)(1)(B)
Facilities and providers: 1881(c)(2)(E)
Home and community care: 1929(c)(2)(D)
Medical: 1902(a)(26)
Medicare Geographical Classification Review Board: 1886(d)(10)
Physician’s charge: 1842(b)(10)(D)
Plan; care provided: 1902(a)(33)
Professional: 1902(a)(31), (a)(33)(A)
Waiver request denial: 1915(d)(6)
See Utilization and Quality Control Peer Review Organization
Utilization Review
Amount of benefit: 202(b)(4)(A), (c)(2)(A), (e)(7)(A), (f)(2)(A), (g)(4)(A); 215(g), (i)(2)(A)(ii)(end)
Average current earnings; disability offset: 224(f)(2)(end)
Average indexed monthly earnings: 215(e)(2)
Bend points: 203(a)(2)(B); 215(a)(1)(B)(iii), (e)(2)
Cost-of-living: 215(i)(2)(A)(ii), (i)(4)
Maximum: 203(a)(1), (a)(3)(B)(iii), (a)(8)
Reduced benefit: 202(q)(8)
Table of benefits: 203(a)(8)
Table PIA/maximum: 215(i)(4)
Annual earnings test: 203(f)(5)(D)(i)
Unearned income: 1612(a)(2)(F)
One-half rule: 210(b)
Representative of claimant; recognition; fees: 206(a); 1631(d)(2)
Act; authority: 1102
State disability determinations: 221(a)
Title II: 205(a)
See Regulations
Definition: 1861(aa)(2); 1905(l)
Nurse practitioner: 1861(aa)(5)
Payment: 1833(f), (h)(5)(D); 1902(a)(13)(E)
Physician assistant: 1861(aa)(5)
Regulations: 1861(aa)(5)
Services: 1832(a)(2)(D); 1861(aa)(1); 1905(l)
Standards: 1861(aa)
* State-administered Title XVI