Accident: 216(k)
Child: 202(d)(1)(D)
Disabled: 223(a)(1)
Father: 202(g)(1)
Husband: 202(c)(1)(E)
Mother: 202(g)(1)
Parent: 202(h)(1)
Serviceperson: 204(a)(1)(A); 205
State records; use of: 205(r)
Widow: 202(e)(1)
Widower: 202(f)(1)
Wife: 202(b)(1)(E)
Infant: 501(b)(1)(C)
Medicare payment: 1870(f)
Plan or system payment: 209(a)(2)
Primary insurance amount: 215(a)(1)(B)(ii), (c)
Recomputation: 215(f)(5)
Report obligation: 204(a)(1)(A); 205(p); 208
Wage exclusion: 209(a)(11)
Father benefits: 202(g)
Husband benefits: 202(c)(1)(F)
Lump sum: 202(i)
Mother benefits: 202(g)
Old-age benefits: 202(a)
Parent benefits: 202(h)(1)
Primary insurance amount; in 1979: 215(a)(1)(B)(i)
Quarter of coverage; effect: 213(a)(2)(B)(i)
Serviceperson: 204(a)(1)(A); 205(p)
Widow benefits: 202(e)(1)
Widower benefits: 202(f)(1)
Wife benefits: 202(b)(1)(F)
Agreement with provider of services: 1866(a)(2)(A)
Blood: 1813(a)(2); 1833(b); 1866(a)(2)
Eligible organization: 1876(e)(1)
Federally-qualified health center services: 1833(b)(5)
Group health plan: 1862(b)(4)
Hospice care: 1813(a)(4)
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(10)(end)(IV); 1925(a), (b)
Nurse anesthetist: 1833(l)(5)(C)
Studies and recommendations: 1875(a)(3)
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(14); 1916
Medical expense incurred: 1902(f)
Payment: 1833(a)(1)
Premium collection: 1840(a)(1)
Annual earnings test; amount and time: 203(b)(1)
Charging of earnings: 203(f)(2)
Earnings: 203(f)(7)
Estimated earnings: 203(h)(3)
Failure to furnish information about work: 203(h)(3)
Good cause: 203(l)
Insured person works outside U.S.; effect on dependents: 203(d)(1)
Month of attainment of age 70: 203(j)
No child in care: 203(c)
Reduction; priority: 203(a)(4)
Regulations: 203(l)
Report: 203(f)(4), (f)(6), (g), (h)(1)(A), (h)(3), (k); 205(p); 208
Two or more deduction events in one month: 203(e)
Account: 466(a)(17)(D)(ii)
Accredited: 707(d)(2)
Active duty for training: 210(l)(2)
Active duty; service in uniformed services: 210(l)(2)
Additional benefits: 1876(g)(3)
Additional percentage: 215(i)(5)(B)
Adjusted average per capita cost: 1876(a)(4)
Adjusted community rate: 1876(e)(3)
Adjusted reduction period: 202(q)(7)
Adjustment percentage: 403(b)(6)(C)(iii)
Administrative review: 475(6)
Adoption assistance agreement: 475(3)
Adoption expenses, nonrecurring: 473(a)(6)
Adult: 419(l)
Aged, blind or disabled individual: 1614(a)
Aged person: 1614(a)(1)
Age increase factor: 216(l)(3)
Agency of the United States: 1128A(i)(4)
Agreement: 1138(a)(3)(A)
Agricultural labor: 210(f)
Aid to aged, blind or disabled: 1605(a)*
Aid to blind: 1006
Aid to permanently and totally disabled: 1405
Alimony: 459(i)(3)
Allotment percentage: 423(b)
American aircraft: 210(d)
American employer: 210(e)
American vessel: 210(c)
Ancillary services: 1814(d)(3)
Applicable combined adjusted DRG prospective payment rate: 1886(d)(1)(D)
Applicable increase percentage: 215(i)(1)(C)
Applicable percentage: 202(w)(6); 409(a)(3)(B), (a)(7)(B)(ii)
Applicable percentage increase: 1886(b)(3)(B)
Appropriate classes of members: 1876(a)(1)(B)
Approved medical residency training program: 1886(h)(5)(A)
Arrangements: 1861(w)
Assistance from the State: 457(c)(1)
Assistant at surgery: 1842(b)(7)(D)(ii)
Attending physician: 1861(dd)(3)(B)
Audiology services: 1861(ll)(2)
Available amount: 403(a)(5)(A)(iv)
Average current earnings: 224(a)(end)
Average indexed monthly earnings: 215(b)(1)
Balance ratio: 709(b)
Base allowed charges: 1848(c)(2)(D)
Base number—foster child adoptions: 473A(g)(3)
Base number—special needs adoption: 473A(g)(4)
Base quarter: 215(i)(1)(A)
Basic ceiling: 477(e)(1)(C)(i)
Benefit computation years: 215(b)(2)
Benefits: 1631(g)(2); 1634(b)(4)
Biologicals: 1861(t)
Blindness: 216(i)(1); 1614(a)(2)
Board of Trustees of the Trust Funds: 201(c)
Bona fide emergency services: 1861(v)(1)(K)(ii)
Bone mass measurement: 1861(rr)
Bonus year: 403(a)(4)(E)(i)
Calendar quarter: 213(a)(1)
Cap amount: 1814(i)(2)(B)
Capital expenditure: 1122(g)
Care coordination services: 501(b)(3)
Carrier: 1842(f)
Case management services: 501(b)(4); 1915(g)(2)
Case plan: 475(1)
Case review system: 475(5)
Category: 1848(j)(1)
Certified nurse-midwife: 1861(gg)
Certified provider: 1861(qq)
Certified registered nurse anesthetist: 1861(bb)
Charge proportion: 1833(n)(1)(B)(ii)(II)
Child-care institution: 472(c)(2)
Child support: 459(i)(2)
Child support obligations: 303(e)(1)
Child welfare services: 425(a)(1)
Child with special needs: 473(c)
Chiropractor services: 1905(g)
Church employee income: 211(i)(4)
Claim: 1128A(i)(2)
Clinical social worker: 1861(hh)(1)
Clinical social worker services: 1861(hh)(2)
Collaboration: 1861(aa)(6)
Colorectal cancer screening test: 1861(pp)
Commodity dealer: 211(h)(2)(B)
Community mental health center: 1861(ff)(3)(B)
Community rating system: 1876(e)(3)(A)
Compensation: 1201(a)(3)(C)
Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility: 1861(cc)(2)
Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility services: 1861(cc)(1)
Computation base years: 215(b)(2)(B)(ii)
Consolidated health programs: 501(b)(1)
Consumer price index: 458(b)(2)(B); 1886(h)(5)(B)
CPI increase percentage: 215(i)(1)(D)
Contingency fund: 403(b)
Continuous period of eligibility: 1839(d)
Conversion factor: 1848(d)(1)
Convicted: 1128(i)
Corporation: 1101(a)(4)
Cost-of-living computation quarter: 215(i)(1)(B)
Cost proportion: 1833(n)(1)(B)(ii)(I)
Countable expenditures: 403(b)(6)(B)(ii)
Coverage group: 218(b)(5)
Coverage period: 1838(a)
Covered osteoporosis drug: 1861(kk)
Critical access hospital: 1861(mm)(1)
Crew leader: 210(n)
Currently insured individual: 214(b)
Custody determination: 463(d)(1)
Date of acquisition: 404(h)(5)(G)(ii)
Deceased partner’s distributive share: 211(f)(2)
Deemed average total wages: 209(k)(1)
Deferred compensation amount: 209(k)(2)
Designated organ procurement agency: 1138(a)(3)(B)
Diabetes outpatient self–management training services: 1861(qq)
Direct graduate medical education cost: 1886(h)(5)(C)
Disability: 216(i)(1); 223(d); 225(a); 1614(a)(3)
Disclosing entity: 1124(a)(2)
Disclosure: 1106(b)
Divorce; divorced: 216(d)(8)
Divorced husband: 216(d)(4)
Divorced wife: 216(d)(1)
Domestic violence: 402(b); 408(a)(7)(C)(iii)
DRG percentage: 1886(d)(1)(C)
Drugs: 1861(t)(1)
Durable medical equipment: 1861(n)
Early readmission case: 1154(a)(13)
Early retirement age: 216(l)(2)
Earned income: 1612(a)(1)
Elementary or secondary school: 202(d)(7)(C)
Eligible applicant: 403(a)(5)(B)(ii)
Eligible disabled widow or widower: 1634(b)(2)
Eligible education institutions: 403(h)(5)(A)
Eligible month: 403(b)(4)
Eligible organization: 1876(b)
Eligible spouse: 1611(e)(1)(A), (f); 1614(b)
Eligible State: 402(a)
Emergency area: 1135(g)(1)
Emergency case: 1861(aa)(2)(H)
Emergency medical condition: 1867(e)(1); 1903(v)
Equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells: 1833(b); 1866(a)(2)(C)
Erroneous excess payments: 403(i)(1)(C), (j)(end)
Erroneous excess payments for medical assistance: 1903(u)(1)(D)(i)
Essential person: 1905(a)(end)
Expenditures by the State: 409(a)(7)(B)(iv)
Failure period: 203(g)(end)
Farm: 210(g)
Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund: 1817(a)
Federally-qualified health center: 1861(aa)(4); 1878(j); 1905(l)(2)(B)
Federally-qualified health center services: 1861(aa)(3); 1905(l)(2)(A)
Federal percentage: 1101(a)(8)(A)
Federal share: 457(c)(2)
Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund: 1841(a)
Fee schedule area: 1848(j)(2)
Financial institution: 466(a)(17)(D)(i); 469A(d)(1)
Financial record: 469A(d)(2)
First month of such taxable year: 203(f)(2)
Fiscal intermediary: 1816(a); 1879(f)(5)
Fiscal year: 419(3)
FMGEMS examination: 1886(h)(5)(E)
Foreign medical graduate: 1886(h)(5)(D)
Foster care maintenance payments: 475(4)(A)
Foster child adoption: 473A(g)(1)
Foster family home: 472(c)
Full-time elementary or secondary school student: 202(d)(7)(A)
Full-time life insurance salesman: 210(j)(3)
Fully insured individual: 214(a)
General benefit increase under this title: 215(i)(3)
General retirement system: 210(k)(4)(A)
Geographic adjustment factors: 1848(e)
Governmental pension system: 228(h)(2)
Governor: 1204
Graduate school of social work: 707(d)(1)
Gross income: 1611(d)
Gross income from self-employment: 211(a)(end)
Group health plan: 1862(b)(1)(A)(v)
Habilitation services: 1915(c)(5)
Health care practitioner: 1842(b)(4)(F)(ii)(I)
Health care professional: 1852(j)(3)(D)
Health care provider: 1135(g)(2)
Health maintenance organization: 1876(b)(1); 1903(g)(1), (m)(1)
High performing State: 403(a)(4)(E)(ii)
Historic State expenditures: 409(a)(7)(B)(iii)
Home dialysis supplies and equipment: 1881(b)(8)
Home health agency: 1861(o)
Home health aide: 1891(a)(3)(E)
Home health services: 1861(m)
Home health spell of illness: 1861(tt)(2)
Home worker: 210(j)(3)(C)
Hospice care: 1861(dd)(1); 1905(o)
Hospice coinsurance period: 1813(a)(4)(A)
Hospice program: 1861(dd)(2)
Hospital: 1861(e)
Hospital Insurance Trust Fund ratio: 201(l)(5)(B); 1817(j)(3)(B)(iii)
Hospitalization: 1101(a)(7)
Husband: 216(f)
Husband and wife: 1614(d)
Inactive duty training; service in uniformed services: 210(l)(3)
Incentive base amount: 458(b)(4)
Incentive payment pool: 458(b)(2)(A)
Includes: 1101(b)
Including: 1101(b)
Income: 1612(a)
Indian tribe: 428(c)(2)
Initial residency period: 1886(h)(5)(F)
Inpatient critical access hospital services: 1861(mm)(2)
Inpatient hospital services: 1861(b)
Inpatient psychiatric hospital services: 1861(c)
Inpatient psychiatric hospital services for individuals under age 21: 1905(h)
In-State organization: 1153(i)(3)
Institutional planning: 1861(z)
Institutions of higher-learning: 218(d)(6)(B)
Insured status; disability benefits: 223(c)(1)
Intends to continue to be in full-time attendance at an elementary or secondary school: 202(d)(7)(C)
Interim assistance: 1631(g)(3)
Intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded: 1905(d)
Intermittent: 1861(m)(end)
Internee (Japanese): 231(a)
Item or service: 1128A(i)(3)
Large group health plan: 1862(b)(1)(B)(iv)(II)
Large urban area: 1886(d)(2)(D)(end)
Legal guardianship: 457(7)
Legal process: 459(i)(5)
Lesser-of-cost-or-charges: 1814(j)(2)
Level of welfare spending: 403(a)(3)(D)(i)
Licensed health professional: 1819(b)(5)(G); 1891(a)(3)(F); 1919(b)(5)(G)
Loan eligible State: 406(a)(2)
Low income: 501(b)(2)
Malpractice component: 1848(c)(1)(C)
Managing employee: 1126(b)
Medical and other health services: 1832(a)(2)(B); 1861(s); 1862
Medical assistance: 1905(a)
Medical care: 1101(a)(7)
Medical services: 408(a)(6)
Medicare+Choice: 1859
Medicare+Choice plan enrollee: 1848(f)(3)(B)
Medicare+Choice premium: 1854(b)(2)
Medicare cost-sharing: 1905(p)(3)
Medicare supplemental policy: 1882(g)(1)
Member of uniformed service: 210(m)
Mentally ill: 1919(e)(7)(G)(i)
Mentally retarded: 1919(e)(7)(G)(ii)
Minimum enrollment period: 1902(e)(2)(B)
Minor child: 419(2)
NAIC Model Standards: 1882(g)(2)(A)
National average level of State welfare spending: 403(a)(3)(D)(ii)
Necessary expenses: 901(c)(1)(end)
Needy State: 403(b)(5)
Net earnings from self-employment: 211(a)
Nonprofit (college or university): 707(d)(3)
Notice of termination of such entitlement: 226(b)(end)
Number of elapsed years: 215(b)(2)(B)(iii)
Number of medicare beneficiaries: 1814(i)(2)(C)
Nurse aide: 1819(b)(5)(F); 1919(b)(5)(F)
Nurse practitioner: 1861(aa)(5)
Nursing facility: 1919(a)
Old-age assistance: 6(a)
OASDI fund ratio: 215(i)(1)(F)
OASDI trust fund ratio: 201(l)(3)(B)(iii); 1817(j)(5)(B)
One-half rule: 210(b)
Operating costs of inpatient hospital services: 1886(a)(4)
Options dealer: 211(h)(2)(A)
Organ: 1138(a)(2)
Other qualified professional personnel: 1861(cc)(1)
Outpatient critical access hospital services: 1861(mm)(3)
Outpatient occupational therapy services: 1861(g)
Outpatient physical therapy services: 1861(p)
Outpatient rural primary care hospital services: 1861(mm)(3)
Overdue support: 466(e)
Partial hospitalization services: 1861(ff)
Participating physician: 1842(i)(2)
Participating supplier: 1842(h)(1)
Partner: 211(d)
Partnership: 211(d)
Past-due obligation: 1892(b)
Past-due support: 464(c)
Pay period: 210(b)
Penalty amount: 455(a)(4)(B)(i)
Penalty base: 455(a)(4)(B)(ii)
Percentage increase in the MEI: 1842(i)(3)
Period: 205(c)(1)(D)
Periodic benefit: 202(b)(4)(C), (c)(2)(C), (e)(7)(C), (f)(2)(C), (g)(4)(C); 228(h)(3)
Periodic payment: 215(a)(7)(C)(iii)
Period of board eligibility: 1886(h)(5)(G)
Period of coverage: 233(b)(2)
Period of disability: 216(i)(2)(A)
Period of hospitalization: 1813(a)(1)(B)
Period of trial work: 222(c)(1)
Person: 1101(a)(3)
Person with an ownership or control interest: 1124(a)(3)
Physical or mental impairment: 223(d)(3), (d)(6); 1614(a)(3)(C)
Physician: 1101(a)(7); 1163; 1861(r)
Physician assistant: 1861(aa)(5)
Physician’s family: 1154(b)(2)
Physicians’ services: 1848(f)(3), (j)(3); 1861(q); 1905(e)
Political subdivision: 210(k)(4)(C); 218(b)(2)
Post-institutional home health care services: 1861(tt)(1)
Post-secondary educational expenses: 404(h)(5)(B)
Practical expenses: 1848(j)(4)
Practice expense component: 1848(c)(1)(B)
Presumptive eligibility period: 1920(b)(1)
Primary insurance amount: 215(a)
Primary insurance benefit: 215(d)
Private industry council: 403(a)(5)(D)(ii)
Private insurer; regulations: 1903(o)
Private person: 459(i)(4)
Professional team: 1881(b)(9)(A)
Prostrate cancer screening test: 1861(oo)
Provider of services: 1835(a)(2)(end); 1861(u); 1866(e)
Psychiatric hospital: 1861(f)
Public emergency shelter for homeless: 1611(e)(1)(D)
Public institution: 1611(e)(1)(C)
Qualified acquisition costs: 404(h)(5)(C)
Qualified audiologist: 1861(ll)(3)
Qualified business: 404(h)(5)(D)
Qualified business capitalization expenses: 404(h)(5)(E)
Qualified disabled and working individual: 1905(s)
Qualified entity: 404(h)(3)(B)
Qualified expenditures: 404(h)(5)(F)
Qualified family member: 1905(m)
Qualified first-time home buyer: 404(h)(5)(G)
Qualified individual: 1861(nn)(2)
Qualified medicare beneficiary: 1905(p)(1)
Qualified plan: 404(h)(5)(H)
Qualified pregnant woman or child: 1905(n)
Qualified principal residence: 404(h)(5)(J)
Qualified provider: 1920(b)(2)
Qualified psychologist services: 1861(ii)
Qualified railroad retirement beneficiary: 226(d)
Qualified severely impaired individual: 1905(q)
Qualified speech-language: 1861(ll)(3)
Qualified State expenditures: 409(a)(7)(B)(i)
Quarter: 213(a)(1)
Reasonable cost: 1861(v)
Reasonable cost reimbursement contract: 1876(a)(1)(A)
Reduction period: 202(q)(6)
Region: 1886(d)(2)(D)(end)
Reimbursable expenditures: 403(b)(6)(B)(i)
Religious nonmedical health care institution: 1861(ss)
Resident: 1886(h)(5)(H)
Resources: 1917(c)(5)
Retail community pharmacy: 1927(k)(10)
Retirement system: 218(b)(4)
Retroactive benefits: 202(j)(4)(B)(iii)
Risk-sharing contract: 1876(a)(1)(A)
Routine services: 1814(d)(3)
Rural area: 1886(d)(2)(D)(end)
Rural health clinic: 1861(aa)(2); 1905(l)
Rural health clinic services: 1861(aa)(1); 1905(l)
Satisfactory immigration status: 1137(d)(1)(B)(ii)(III)
Screening mammography: 1861(jj)
Screening pap smear: 1861(nn)
Screening pelvic exam: 1861(nn)
Second-chance home: 408(a)(5)(B)(iii)
Secretary: 1; 403(b)(7)(B); 1101(a)(6)
Section 1256 contracts: 211(h)(2)(C)
Self-care dialysis unit: 1881(b)(10)
Self-care home dialysis support services: 1881(b)(9)
Self-dialysis services: 1881(b)(10)
Self-employment income: 211(b)
Semi-private accommodations: 1861(v)(6)
Service delivery area: 403(a)(5)(D)(iii)
Services not in the course of the employer’s trade or business: 209(a)(6)(C)
Services of a certified registered nurse anesthetist: 1861(bb)(1)
Services; period of trial work: 222(c)(2)
Shared health facility: 1101(a)(9)
Shareholder: 1101(a)(5)
Significant deficiency: 1865(b)
Skilled nursing facility services: 1905(f)
system: 233(b)(1)
Sole community hospital: 1886(d)(5)(D)
Special needs adoption: 473A(g)(2)
Speech-language pathology services: 1861(ll)(1)
Spell of illness: 1861(a)
Spouse: 216(a)(1)
SSA average wage index: 215(i)(1)(G)
State: 205(c)(2)(C); 210(h); 218(b)(1); 403(a)(3)(D)(iii), (b)(7)(A); 419(d); 1101(a)(1); 1861(x)
State agency: 1128A(i)(1)
State family assistance grant: 403(a)(1)(B)
State health care program: 1128(h)
State in which a policy is issued: 1882(g)(2)(C)
State incentive payment share: 458(b)(3)
State medicaid fraud control-unit: 1903(q)
State or local child support enforcement agency: 303(e)(4)
State percentage: 403(a)(5)(A)(v); 1101(a)(8)(A)
State supplementary payment: 1905(j)
State with an approved regulatory program: 1882(g)(2)(B)
Subsection (d) hospital: 1886(d)(1)(B)
Substantial gainful activity: 223(d)(4), (d)(6); 1614(a)(3)(B)
Successful performance State: 403(a)(5)(E)(v)
Supplemental security income benefits: 1127(b); 1620(b)(2); 1905(k)
Supportive equipment: 1881(e)(3)
Surviving divorced father: 216(d)(6)
Surviving divorced husband: 216(d)(5)
Surviving divorced mother: 216(d)(3)
Surviving divorced parent: 216(d)(7)
Surviving divorced wife: 216(d)(2)
Surviving spouse: 216(a)(2)
Survivor: 205(c)(1)(C)
Target amount: 1886(b)(3)(A)
Target percentage: 1886(d)(1)(C)
Targeted beneficiaries: 1903(z)(5)(C)
Taxable year: 211(e)
Temporary assistance: 1113(c)
Terminally ill: 1861(dd)(3)(A)
Termination month: 223(a)(1)(end)
Threats of force: 1129B
Time limitation: 205(c)(1)(B)
Total adjustment: 403(b)(6)(C)(ii)
Total amount: 403(a)(1)(C)
Total wages prior to 1951: 215(d)(1)(C)
Trade or business: 211(c)
Tribal organization: 428(c)(1)
Trust Funds: 201(c)
Twenty-fifth month of his entitlement: 226(b)(end)
Unadjusted net amount: 403(b)(6)(C)(iv)
Unearned income: 1612(a)(2)
Unemployment administrative expenditures: 904(g)
Unemployment benefits: 303(g)(3)
United States: 203(k); 210(i); 228(e); 423(d); 459(i)(1); 1101(a)(2), (a)(8)(C); 1614(e); 1861(x)
Update adjustment factor: 1848(d)(3)(B)
Urban area: 1886(d)(2)(D)(end)
Utilization and quality control peer review organization: 1152
Utilization review: 1861(k)
Veteran; post-World War II service: 217(e)(4)
Veteran; World War II service: 217(d)(2)
Vocational rehabilitation services: 222(d)(5)
Voluntary placement: 472(f)(1)
Voluntary placement agreement: 472(f)(2)
Voluntary repayment: 1202(b)(6)(B)
Wage increase percentage: 215(i)(1)(E)
General: 209
Member, uniformed services: 209(d)
Peace Corps worker: 209(e)
Quarter of coverage: 213(a)(2)
Religious order member: 209(g)
Total wages prior to 1951: 215(d)(1)(C)
Waiting period: 223(c)(2)
Extension: 1915(h)
Rights: 1812(d)(2)(A)
Widow: 216(c)
Widower: 216(g)
Wife: 216(b)
Work activities: 407(d)
Work component: 1848(c)(1)(A)
Work which exists in the national economy: 223(d)(2)(A)
World War II: 217(d)(1)
World War II veteran: 217(d)(2)
Year: 205(c)(1)(A)
Years; elapsed: 215(b)(2)(B)(iii)
Years of coverage: 215(a)(1)(C)(ii)
Age 70 worker: 202(w)(3)
Amount of increase: 202(w)(1)
Applicable percentage: 202(w)(6)
Effective date of increase: 202(w)(3)
Increase after family maximum reduction: 202(w)(4)
Increment months: 202(w)(2)
Indexed earnings; interrelationship: 202(w)(5)
Approval: 1120
Child welfare services: 426
Compliance: 1115
General: 1110
Payment from trust funds: 201(k)
SSI: 1110(b)(1), (b)(2)
Unemployment: 1115(d)
Child: 202(d)
Parent: 202(h)(1)(B), (p); 217(c)
Proof: 202(h)(1)(B)(ii)
Hospital discharges: 1886(d)(4)(A)
Payment to provider: 1886(d)
Percentage: 1886(d)(1)(C)
See Kidney
Renal Disease
Blindness: 223(d)(1)(B)
Evidence required: 1614(a)(4)
Reconsideration; evidentiary hearing: 205(b)(2)
Rehabilitation program participation: 1631(a)(6)
Disability benefits: 223(a)(1)
SSI benefits: 1631(a)(5)
Child Benefits
Cessation of disability: 202(d)(1)(G), (d)(6)(E); 205(b)(2)
Definition: 216(i)
Factor: 202(d)(1)(B)(ii)
Month: 202(d)(1)
Factor: 202(d)(6)(B)
Month: 202(d)(6)
Supplemental security income: 1635
Termination: 202(d)(6)(E)
Continuation despite SGA: 1619
Definition: 216(i)(1); 223(d), (d)(6); 225(a); 1614(a)(3); 1619(b)
Claimant outside U.S.: 221(g)
Federal; no State agreement: 221(g)
Medicaid: 1902(v)(1)
Reconsideration; evidentiary hearing: 205(b)(2)
Review by Secretary: 221(c)
State agency: 205(b)(2); 221; 1614(a)(3)(G)
Evidence; cost reimbursement: 223(d)(5)(A)
Family maximum payment: 203(a)(6); 215(i)(2)(D)
Felony conviction: 223(d)(6)
“Grandfather” clause: 1614(a)(3)(E)
Impairment; medical factors: 223(d)(3); 1614(a)(3)(C)
Payment during appeal: 223(g); 1631(a)(7)
Reconsideration; evidentiary hearing: 205(b)(2)
Non-medical factors: 1614(a)(3)(B)
Notice requirements: 1631(c)(1)
Notice unfavorable to claimant: 205(b)(1)
Payment: 209(a)(11)
Pay; wage exclusion: 209(a)(3)
Plan or system; wage exclusion: 209(a)(2)
Presumptive disability: 1631(a)(4)(B)
Proof: 223(d)(5)
Quarter of coverage; effect: 213(a)(2)(B)(i)
Railroad service: 226(b)
Regulations: 1619(b)
Severity: 223(d)(2), (d)(6); 1614(a)(3)(F)
Sheltered workshop remuneration: 1612(a)(1)(D)
Unemployment compensation: 303(a)(5)
Vocational rehabilitation effect: 225(b)
Waiting Period
Definition: 223(c)(2)
Disability benefit: 223(a)(1)(end)(i)
Period of disability: 216(i)(2)(A)
Widow benefits: 202(e)(1)(F)(i), (e)(5)
Widower benefits: 202(f)(1)(F), (f)(6)
Widow Benefits
Cessation of widow’s disability: 202(e)(1)(end); 205(b)(2)
Entitlement factor: 202(e)(1)(B)(ii)
Entitlement month: 202(e)(1)(F)
Widower Benefits
Cessation of widower’s disability: 202(f)(1)(end); 205(b)(2)
Entitlement factor: 202(f)(1)(B)(ii)
Entitlement month: 202(f)(1)(F)
Work; ability: 223(d)(2)
See Period of Disability
Disability Insurance Benefit
Age limitation: 223(a)(1)(B)
Amount of Benefit
Family maximum: 203(a)(6); 215(i)(2)(D)
General: 223(a)(2)
Reduction for age: 202(q)
Child refused rehabilitation services; no child in care: 203(c)
Court review: 221(d)
Deduction: 222(b)(1)
Disbursements from Disability Insurance Trust Fund: 201(h)
Earnings: 223(d)(4)
Effect on computation: 215(a)(2)(A)
Railroad service: 226(b)
Family maximum: 203(a)(2)(D)
Hearing: 221(d)
Notice unfavorable to claimant: 205(b)(1)
Alien outside U.S.: 202(t)
Appeal; effect: 223(g)
Cessation of disability: 225(a)
Felony conviction: 202(x)
Interim benefits: 223(h)
Offset: 224
State disability determination: 221(e)
Reconsideration: 205(b)(2)
Review of State disability determination: 221(c)
Right to Title II payment: 220
Cessation of disability: 223(a)(1)(end)
Death: 223(a)(1)(end)
Month: 223(a)(1)(end)
Retirement age: 223(a)(1)(B)
Review: 223(f); 1614(a)(4)
Work: 222(c); 223(d)(2)(A)
See Disability
Substantial Gainful Activity
Interest: 1612(b)(12)
Payment: 1612(b)(11)
Resource exclusion: 1613(a)(6)
Check delivery: 708(b)
Check; joint payees: 205(n)
Death; date incorrect: 204(a)(1)(A)
Garnishment: 459(f)
Payee incompetency: 205(k)
Payment: 205(q)(4)
Standard: 459(f); 1816(i)(2); 1842(e)(2)
Secretary of Treasury
Address: 1141
Agency other than HHS
Aid to aged, blind, or disabled: 1602(a)(15)*
Aid to blind: 1002(a)(14)
Aid to permanently and totally disabled: 1402(a)(13)
Aliens; from Department of State and Attorney General: 415(c)(2); 1621(d)
Authority to obtain contract documents: 1861(v)(1)(I)
Blood donor locator service: 1141
Charge for: 505(a)(5)(D); 1106(c); 1137(a)(7); 1160(b)(end)
Child abuse; exploitation; neglect: 471(a)(9)
Child support overdue: 466(a)(7)
Congressional Office of Technology Assessment: 1886(e)(6)(G)(i)
Death report: 205(r)
Disclosing Entity
Definition: 1124(a)(2)
Information to be supplied: 1124(b)
Disclosure failure: 1128(b)(9)
Eligible organization: 1876(i)(3)
Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974: 1106(c)
Exemptions: 1106(d)
Grant funds: 506(c)
HCFA: 1862(b)(5)
Health facilities; ownership and control: 1124(a); 1902(a)(35)
Home and community care: 1929(i)(6)
Liability of Federal employee; child support program: 459(c)
Limitation; Department employee: 1106(a)
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(46); 1903(m)(2)(A)(viii)
Medical record in GAO: 1125(c)
Nursing facility: 1919(g)(5)
Old-age assistance: 2(a)(11)
Ownership or control: 1124(a)(1); 1124A; 1126(a); 1929(h)(3)
Parent Locator Service
Payment of costs: 1106(b)
Peer review organization: 1160(a)
Prospective Payment Assessment Commission: 1886(e)(6)(F)
Provider: 1124A; 1866(a)(1)(E)
Regulations: 453(d); 1106(b); 1902(a)(38)
Reports: 1106(d)
Request for information: 1106(b)
Safeguards: 2(a)(7); 303(d)(1), (e)(1)(B); 452(d)(1)(C); 453(b)(end); 454(16); 471(a)(8); 1002(a)(9); 1106(a); 1137(a)(5); 1402(a)(9); 1602(a)(7)*; 1902(a)(7)
Secretary HHS from Other Agencies
Disability offset: 224(h)(1)
Federal service: 205(p)(2)
JCAHO survey: 1865(a)
Parent Locator Service: 453(e)
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(g)(5)
number: 205(c)(2)(C)
Charges: 505(a)(5)(D)
HHS Request
Medicaid fraud control-unit: 1903(q)(7)
Plan: 1002(a)(9)
Report to Secretary: 506(a)(1)
Schedule of charges: 505(2)(D)
number: 205(c)(2)(C)
Survey: 1902(a)(36)
Tax return information; HHS employee: 1106(a)
Tax statement; provided by Treasury: 232
Tolerance rule: 1106(d)
Unemployment Compensation
Employment: 210(a)(7)(D)
State: 205(c)(2)(C); 210(h)
Stock; NE/SE; exclusion: 211(a)(2)
Total wages before 1951: 215(d)(1)(B)
Unearned income: 1612(a)(2)(F)
Definition: 216(d)(8)
Father benefits: 202(g)
Husband benefits: 202(c)(1)
Mother benefits: 202(g)
Wife benefits: 202(b)(1)(G)
Definition: 216(d)(4)
See Husband’s Insurance Benefit
See Widower’s Insurance Benefit
Definition: 216(d)(1)
Definition: 403(j)(end)
Effect on Federal contribution: 403(j)
Exclusion from Wages
Cash pay: 209(a)(6)(B)
Employer-paid tax: 209(a)(5)
Farm: 210(f)(5)
Noncash pay: 209(a)(6)(A)
Student in college club: 210(a)(2)
Wages: 209(c)
Criminal offense: 1128(b)(3)
Definition: 1861(t)
Disabled person: 1612(b)(4)(B)(ii); 1614(a)(3)(D)
Hospice care: 1813(a)(4)(A); 1861(dd)(1)(E)
Included; medical and health services: 1861(s)(2)
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(54)
Nonpayment: 1862(c); 1902(i)(10); 1903(i)(5)
Nursing facility: 1919(c)(1)(D)
Osteoporosis drug: 1861(s)(2)(O), (jj)
Payment: 1927
Regulations: 1612(b)(4)(B)(ii); 1614(a)(3)(D); 1861(s)(2)(A), (s)(2)(B)
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(c)(1)(D)
Source; qualified: 1902(a)(23)
State review program: 1903(a)(3)(D)
Therapy services: 1832(a)(2)(A)(i); 1846; 1861(u)
Use in hospital: 1861(t)(1)
Utilization review: 1861(k)
See Hearing
* State-administered Title XVI