Application requirement: 453(d)
Child support program: 452(a)(9)
Disclosure of Information
Information: 453(e)
Kidnaping; parental: 463
Person authorized: 453(c)
Purpose: 453(a)
Age requirement: 202(h)(1)(A)
Amount of Benefit
Application Requirement
Entitlement factor: 202(h)(1)(E)
Filing with Veterans Affairs, Department of: 202(o)
Entitlement: 202(h)(1)
Insured status requirement: 202(h)(1)
Marital status: 202(h)(1)
Parent; definition: 202(h)(3)
Railroad insured status: 202(l)
Relationship to worker: 216(h)(2)
Report obligation: 203(h)(1)(A), (h)(3); 208
Support requirement: 202(h)(1)(B), (p); 217(c), (h)(2)
Termination Events
Death: 202(h)(1)(end)
Entitlement to higher OAIB: 202(h)(1)(end)
Termination month: 202(h)(1)(end)
Deceased partner: 211(f)(2)
Definition: 211(d)
Limited partner: 211(a)(12)
Retired partner: 211(a)(9)
Community property income: 211(a)(5)
Death of partner: 211(f)
Definition: 211(d)
Income; NE/SE: 211(a)
Retired partner; payment to: 211(a)(9)
Taxable year: 211(a)(end)
Determination; fee: 454(6)
Dependent child: 452(a)(1)
State law: 466(a)(5)
State procedure: 468
State responsibility: 452(g); 466(a)(5)(B)
Fees; report to Congress: 452(a)(end)
Management information system: 454(16)(A)(i)
Freedom to choose provider: 1802
Ineligibility for benefits: 1881(f)(6)
Medical institution: 6(a)
Record; subpena exempt: 1160(d)
Services; exclusion: 218(c)(6)(B)
Public Service Employment
Hourly wage rate: 433(e)(2)(B)
Minimum rate: 433(e)(4)
Retirement: 203(f)(5)(C)
See Earnings
Federal Insurance Contributions Act: 1886(b)(6)
Federal Payment
Amount: 203(f)(7), (i); 1631(a)(3)
Appeal; disability: 223(g)(1); 1631(a)(7)
Authority of Secretary: 205(a)
Disabled person; rehabilitation program: 1631(a)(6)
Payees: 205(j), (n); 1111; 1631(a)(2)
Suspension Authority
Public assistance: 228(d)
Supplemental security income: 228(d)
Treasury Department: 202(t)(4)
Treasury Department: 202(t)(10)
Time of payment: 205(q); 228(c)(8); 708(a); 1631(a)(1)
Veteran; WWII service: 217(b)(2)
Carrier: 1842(c)
Contractor: 222(d)(3)
Hospital: 1814(b)(3), (j); 1886(h)
Advance; installment; reimbursement: 1874(a)
Beneficiary dead: 1870(f)
Drug: 1862(c)
Eligible organization: 1876(a)(1)(D), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(5), (a)(6)
Extended care services: 1883(d)
Hospital reclassification: 1886(d)(8)
Conditional: 1862(b)(2)(B)
Federal: 1814(c)
Non-Federal: 1814(b)
Procedure: 1835
Remedial action: 1879(e)
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(h)(2)(B)(i), (h)(2)(C), (h)(3)
Optional State supplementation: 1616(d)
Project; experimental, pilot or demonstration: 1120
To State
Adjusted; estimated payment: 3(b)(2); 423(b)(2); 455(b)(2); 474(d)(2); 1003(b)(2); 1403(b)(2); 1603(b)(2)*; 1903(d)(2)
Adoption assistance: 474
Amount: 1003(b)(2); 1903
Assistance for U.S. returnees: 1113(a)(3)
Capital expenditures: 1122(c)
Child; independent living program: 477
Computation: 1118
Disability determinations: 221(e)
Federal Contribution
Child support program: 455(a)
Management information system: 455(a)(1)(B)
Grant for social services: 2003
Hearing right: 303(e)(3), (h); 506(b)(2), (b)(3); 1004; 1404; 1604*; 1904
Home repair: 1119
Indian tribal organization: 428
Interim assistance reimbursement: 1631(g)(2)
Maternal and child health: 503
Medical assistance: 1903(a), (b), (d), (i), (j), (m), (o), (r); 1913; 1914; 1919(g)(3)(C), (h)(3)(C), (h)(4)
Mental retardation grants: 1704
Old-age assistance: 3(a)(4)(B)
Peer review: 1158(b)
Provider compliance determinations: 1864(b)
Reallotment to another State: 424
Research, training, or demonstration projects: 426(c); 1110(a)(3)
Secretary’s estimate: 455(b)(1); 1603(b)(1)*; 1903(d)(4)
State plan requirement: 422(a)
Supplementation checks unnegotiated: 1631(i)(2)
Training grants for public welfare personnel: 705(f)(2)
Undergraduate and graduate programs: 707(c)
Unemployment compensation: 302
Utilization and quality control organization: 1153(c)(8)
Veterans Affairs hospital: 1814(h)
Vocational rehabilitation: 222(d)(3)
Acceleration: 1815(e)(3)
Advance payment: 1631(a)(4)(A)
Assignment: 1902(a)(45)
Check delivery date: 708
Conditional payment: 1613(b)
Copayment: 1876(e)(1); 1902(a)(14)
Disability: 209(a)(13)
DRG prospective payment rate: 1886(d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(6)
Facility-of-payment provision: 203(i)
Incentive payment: 1903(p)
Legal services plan payment: 209(a)(14)(B)
Per capita: 1876(a)(1)(A), (a)(1)(C)
Right to payment: 208(a)(3)
Medicare Payment; Services of Provider
Adjustment: 1886(e)(1)
Adjustment; FICA taxes: 1886(b)(6)
Alaska: 1886(d)(5)(H)
Amount determination: 1886(d)
Anesthetist: 1842(b)(13)
Appeal rights: 1886(d)(7)
Cataract surgery: 1842(b)(11)
Claim: 1814(a)(1); 1835(a); 1842(b)(3)(B)
Diagnosis code: 1842(p)
Diagnosis procedures: 1833(n)
Equipment: 1834(a)
Exception: 1833(k)
Exclusions and nonpayment situations: 1862
Extended care services: 1812(a)(1), (b)(1)
Eyeglasses and lenses: 1842(b)(11)
Hawaii: 1886(d)(5)(H)
Hospice care: 1814(i)
Hospital services: 1814(l); 1815(e)(4); 1861(v)(1)(S)(ii); 1886(d)(8)(C), (e)(5), (i)
Lens: 1833(i)(2)(A)(iii)
Liability limit
Excluded individuals and entities: 1862(e)(2)
Medical benefits: 1833(a)(2)
Nonpayment by Secretary: 1886(f)(2)
Nurse anesthetist: 1833(l)(5)
Nurse-midwife services: 1833(p)
Orthotics: 1833(a)(7)
Outlier payment: 1886(d)(2)(E), (d)(3)(B)
Overpayment: 1870(b)
Payer: 1862(b)
Physician referral: 1833(q)
Physician’s charges: 1842(b)(3), (b)(4)(A)(iv); 1887
Prosthetics and prosthetic devices: 1833(a)(7)
Psychologists services: 1833(p)
Radiology services: 1833(n)
Reduction: 1886(c)(6)
Regulations: 1886(d)(5)(I)
Reimbursement review board: 1878
Renal dialysis: 1881(b)(7)
Risk-sharing contract: 1876(g)(6)
Rural health clinic: 1833(f)
Services of physician in teaching hospital: 1832(a)(2)
Shoes: 1833(o)
Surgical procedures, ambulatory: 1833(i)(3)
Underpayment: 1870(e)
Veterans Affairs hospital: 1814(h)
Noncash Payment for Work
Agricultural labor: 209(a)(7)(A)
Domestic service: 209(a)(6)(A)
Nonbusiness work: 209(a)(6)(A)
Addiction; alcohol; drugs: 1611(e)
Care; items; services: 1903(i)
Ceases to be “child”: 1614(c)
Cessation of
Blindness: 1611(a)(2)
Disability: 1614(a)(3)
Court review: 1155
Deportation of worker: 202(n)(1)
Drug: 1862(c)
Eligible for other benefits: 1611(e)(2)
Federal provider of services: 1814(c)
Felony conviction: 202(d)(7)(A), (x)
Gross income from self-employment too high: 1611(d)
Income too high: 1611(a)
Inmate of public institution: 1611(e)(1)(A)
Items and services: 1862
Outside U.S.: 1611(f)
Refusal of rehabilitation services: 1615(c)
Resources too high: 1611(a)
Services: 1903(m)(2)
Substantial gainful activity: 223(a)(1)
Waiver; religious reason: 202(v)
Pay period: 210(b)
Periodic payment: 215(a)(7)(C)(iii)
Prouty payment: 228
Deduction before reduction: 203(a)(4)
Failure to report: 1631(e)(2)
Government pension; special age 72 payment: 228(c)
Before delayed retirement credit: 202(w)(4)
Before reduction for age: 202(q)(8)
Disability benefits: 203(a)(6); 215(i)(2)(D)
Medical assistance percentage: 1903(g)(5)
Periodic Governmental Payment
Father benefits: 202(g)(4)
Husband benefits: 202(c)(2)(A)
Mother benefits: 202(g)(4)
Special age 72 payment: 228(c)
Widow benefits: 202(e)(7)
Widower benefits: 202(f)(2)
Wife benefits: 202(b)(4)(A)
Retroactive payment; SSI paid: 1127
SSI; burial fund use: 1613(d)(3)
Advanced unemployment funds: 1202(a)
Block grant funds misspent: 506(b)(2)
Extended UC funds: 905(d)
Interest on advanced UC funds: 1202(b)
Loan or scholarship: 1128(b)(14)
Treasury Department: 201(g); 1817(f)(2)
State Payment
Absence from State: 6(a); 1006(end); 1405(end); 1605(a)(end)*; 1902(a)(16)
Adequacy: 1006(2); 1605(a)(end)(B)*
Adjustment: 455(b)(2)
Adoption assistance: 473(a)(3)
Foster care maintenance: 472(b)
Hospitals: 1902(a)(13)(B)
Premium: 1925
Promptness: 2(a)(8); 1002(a)(11); 1402(a)(10); 1602(a)(8)*; 1902(a)(8)
Restriction: 1914(f); 1919(h)(2)(A), (h)(4)
Child; disabled; substantial gainful activity: 202(d)(1)
Deportation: 202(n)
Felony conviction: 202(d)(7)(A)
Outside U.S.: 1611(f)
SSI benefits: 1631(e)(1)(A)
Welfare eligibility: 228(d)
See Maximum Benefits
Agreement voidance: 206(a)(5)
Attorney; excess fee: 206(b)(2)
Child support program; State conduct: 452(a)(4)
Civil; money: 1128A; 1140(b); 1819(b)(3)(B)(ii), (h)(1), (h)(2), (g)(2)(A)(i); 1833(i)(6), (l)(5)(B)(ii); 1834(a)(16); 1842(b)(12)(C), (j)(2), (k), (n)(3), (p)(3), (q); 1846(b)(2); 1862(b)(3)(C), (b)(5)(C)(ii); 1867(d)(1); 1876(i)(6)(B); 1882(d), (s)(3); 1891(c)(1), (e)(3), (f)(2); 1903(i)(8)(B), (m)(5); 1919(b)(3)(B)(ii), (g)(2)(A), (h)(1), (h)(2)(A), (h)(3)(B), (h)(3)(C)(ii); 1929(i)(3)(A), (j)(1)(B), (j)(2)(C); 1930(h)(2)
Collection: 1128A(f); 1156(b)(3)
Concealment: 208(a)(4)
Conduct at hearing: 1128A(c)(4)
Criminal: 1128B
Damages; punitive: 1128A(a)
Deduction: 203(h)(2); 1631(e)(2)
Eligible organization: 1876(i)(6)(B)
Enrollment: 1839(b)
Exclusion from participation: 1128; 1156(b); 1833(q); 1842(j)(2), (k), (n)(3); 1902(a)(39)
Failure to report: 203(g)
Fine: 206(a)(5); 208; 1106(a); 1107; 1128B(a), (b); 1160(c); 1632(a); 1882(d)
Imprisonment: 206(a)(5); 208; 1106(a); 1107; 1128B(a), (b); 1160(c); 1632(a); 1882(d)
Individual: 416; 1819(b)(3)(B)(ii), (g)(2)(A)(i); 1833(h)(5)(D); 1842(b)(12)(C); 1919(b)(3)(B)(ii), (g)(2)(A)(i)
Laboratory: 1846
Medical assistance; State failure to mechanize: 1903(r)
Medicare supplemental policy; violation: 1882(d)
Money; civil: 1128A; 1140(b); 1819(b)(3)(B)(ii); 1833(i)(6), (l)(5)(B)(ii); 1842(b)(12)(C), (j)(2), (n)(3), (p)(3); 1846(b)(2)(A); 1867(d)(2)(B); 1876(i)(6)(B); 1891(c)(1), (e)(3), (f)(2); 1903(m)(5); 1919(b)(3)(B)(ii), (g)(2)(A)(i), (h)(1), (h)(2)(A), (h)(3)(B), (h)(3)(C)(ii)
Nursing facility: 1919(h)(1), (h)(2)(A)(iii), (h)(3)(B), (h)(3)(C)(iii)
Payment: 1846(b)(2)(A)
Payment denial: 1862(e); 1881(f)(7)(C)
Payment suspension: 1846(b)(2)(A)
Person: 1833(h)(5)(D), (i)(6), (l)(5)(B)(ii); 1867(i)
Pharmacy: 1842(o)
Physician: 1842(n)(3), (p); 1867(d)(1)(B), (i)
Plan correction: 1846(b)(2)(A)
Prerequisite: 1891(c)(2)(E); 1919(g)(2)(B)(iv)
Principal: 1128A(l)
Prohibition of practice: 206(a)(1)
Provider of services: 1846; 1902(a)(41)
Quality control: 403(m)
Refusal to obey subpena: 205(e); 1125(b); 1631(d)(1); 1918
Regulations: 1128(c)
Reimbursement: 1156(b)(3)
Report to Congress; peer review: 1161
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(h)(1), (h)(2)(A), (h)(2)(B)(ii)
Supplier: 1834(a)(11)
Suspension of practice: 206(a)(1)
Termination of agreement: 1866(i)
Termination of participation: 1919(h)(7)
Work refusal: 402(a)(19)(G)
See Crime
Amount of Penalty
Good cause for failure to report timely: 203(l)
Unearned income: 1612(a)(2)(B)
Wage exclusion: 209(a)(4)
Applicable increase percentage: 215(i)(5)
Disproportionate patient percent: 1886(d)(5)(F)
Federal percentage: 1101(a)(8)
State percentage: 1101(a)(8)(A)
Wage increase percentage: 215(i)(1)(E)
See Allotment Percentage
Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
Trial Work Period
Child benefits: 202(d)
Definition: 202(d)(4)(C), (c)(2)(C), (e)(7)(C), (f)(2)(C), (g)(4)(C); 228(h)(3)
Father benefits: 202(g)
Husband benefits: 202(c)
Mother benefits: 202(g)
Special age 72 payment: 228(c)
Widow benefits: 202(e)
Widower benefits: 202(f)
Wife benefits: 202(d)
General: 216(i)(2)
Insured status requirements: 216(i)(3)
Second disability period: 223(a)(1)(end)(ii)
Trial Work: 222(c)
Wages Deemed to
Widow benefits: 202(e)(1)(D)(ii), (e)(4)
Widower benefits: 202(f)(1)(D)(ii), (f)(5)
Aged person: 1612(d)(4)(C); 1614(a)(1)
Blind Person
Definition: 1614(a)(2); 1619(d)
Income exclusion: 1612(d)(4)(A)
Resource exclusion: 1613(a)(4)
Self-support plan: 1612(d)(4)(A)
Substantial gainful activity: 1619(d)
Vocational rehabilitation referral: 1615(a)
Definition: 1101(a)(3)
Disabled Person
Definition: 1614(a)(3)
Income exclusion: 1612(d)(4)(D)
Rehabilitation program participation: 1631(a)(6)
Resources, exclusion: 1613(a)(4)
Self-support plan: 1612(d)(4)(D)
Substantial Gainful Activity
Effect on optional State supplementation: 1616(c)(3)
Severe medical impairment: 1619
Vocational rehabilitation referral: 1615(a)
Eligibility for medical assistance: 1902(a)(10)(A)
Exclusion from programs: 2005(a)(9)
Living in household: 402(a)(8)(A)(ii), (a)(8)(A)(iv), (a)(37)
Obligation past-due: 1892
Penalty: 1891(c)(1); 1892
Private person: 462(d)
Advisory Council: 1868
Antigens: 1861(s)(2)(G)
Assistant: 1842(d)(2), (d)(12); 1848(i)(2); 1861(aa)(5), (aa)(7), (s)(2)(H)
Billing: 1842(d)(6)(D)
Blindness determination: 1602(a)(12)*
Certification of care: 1814(a)(end); 1835(a)(2)(C), (a)(end); 1867(c)(1)(A)(iii); 1902(a)(44)
Certification; illness: 1814(a)(7)(A)
Charge: 1833(l)(6); 1842(d)(10), (d)(11); 1876(j)
Chiropractor: 1861(r)(5)
Conflict of interest: 1154(d)
Contract; services: 1842(a)
Court review: 1128(f)
Crime: 1128; 1902(a)(39)
Definition: 1101(a)(7); 1163; 1861(r)
Dentist: 1861(r)(2)
Diagnosis code: 1842(p)
Blindness: 1602(a)(12)*
State plan requirement: 1902(a)(12)
Exclusion: 1862(e); 1902(a)(39); 2005(a)(9)
Hearing: 1128(f)
Home health services: 1861(m)(6)
Identifier system: 1902(a)(58), (x)
Interference: 216(i)(1)
Liability: 1157(c); 1867(d)(1)(C)
Licensed practitioner: 1163
Medical social services: 1861(m)(3)
Nonparticipating physician: 1833(l)(6); 1842(d)(3)(G), (d)(4), (d)(11)(D), (h)(1), (j)(1)(C)
Nonpayment: 1848(d)(3); 1862(e)(1); 1903(i)(12), (i)(14), (m)(2)(A)
Nursing facility services: 1919(d)(6), (f)(5)(D)
Optometrist: 1861(r)(4)
Osteopath: 1101(a)(7); 1861(r)(1)
Participating physician: 1842(h)
Payment for services in teaching hospital: 1814(g); 1832(a)(2)(D); 1835(e)
Podiatrist: 1861(r)(3)
Radiological or pathological services: 1833(d)
Services required: 1902(a)(44); 1903(g)(1)
Illness: 1814(a)(7)(A)
Referrals: 1877
Reimbursement: 1881(f)(5)
Sanctions: 1842(n)(3)
Service on PPA Commission: 1886(e)(6)(D)
Services; teaching hospital: 1842(d)(7)
Skilled nursing facility services: 1819(d)(6), (f)(5)(D)
Sole community physician: 1128(d)(14), (c)(3)(D)
Standards: 1861(r)
Definition: 210(k)(4)(C); 218(b)(2)
Net earnings from self-employment: 211(a)(8)
COBRA: 1902(a)(10)(F)
Eligible organization: 1876(e)(2)
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(14); 1916
Medicare supplemental policy: 1882(b)(1)(G)
Payment from unemployment compensation: 303(a)(5)
Refund; hospital insurance: 1870(g)
Amount: 1839
Collection: 1840
Government contribution: 1844(a)
Overdue: 1838(b)
Termination: 1838(b)
Weighted aggregate: 1876(e)(3)(B)
Appointment of HCFA Administrator: 1117
Employment exclusion: 210(a)(5)(C)
Pardon of person convicted of subversive activity: 202(u)(3)
Report to Congress: 233(e)(1)
Average indexed monthly earnings: 215(b)(1)
Amounts excluded: 215(e)(1)
Base year: 215(b)(2)(B)(ii), (b)(3), (b)(4)
Dropout years: 215(b)(2)(A)
Elapsed years: 215(b)(2)(B)(iii)
Entitlement to DIB; effect: 215(a)(2)
General: 215(a)
Death: 215(a)(1)(B)(i), (a)(1)(B)(ii), (c)
Definition: 215(a)
Eligibility: 215(a)(1)(B), (a)(3), (c)
Entitlement to DIB; effect: 215(a)
Minimum: 215(a)(1)(C)(i), (a)(6), (f)(7)
Public Health Service reserve officer: 215(h)
Recomputation: 215(f)
Regulations; table of benefits: 215(a)(6)(B)
Rounding: 215(a)(1)(B)(iii), (e)(2), (g)
Table of Benefits
After 1978: 215(i)(2)(D)
Before 1979: 215(i)(4)
Extension: 215(a)(6)
Revision: 215(a)(5)(E)
Years of coverage: 215(a)(1)(C)(ii)
Amount payable; formula: 215(d)(1)(D)
Amounts excluded from computation: 215(e)(1)
Applicability: 215(d)(2)
Average monthly wage: 215(d)(1)(A)
Computation: 215(d)
Crediting of wages: 215(d)(1)(B)(iii)
Definition: 215(d)
Dividend; divisor: 215(d)(1)(B)
Formula; amount payable: 215(d)(1)(D)
Increment year: 215(d)(1)(D)
Maximum wages includable: 215(d)(1)(B)(iv)
Rounding: 215(e)(2)
Total wages prior to 1951; definition: 215(d)(1)(C)
Age reduction after reduction for maximum: 202(q)(8)
Deduction before reduction: 203(a)(4)
Delayed retirement credit after reduction for maximum: 202(w)(4)
General: 203(a)
Maximum; general benefit increase: 203(a)(3)(B)
Disability: 223(d)(6)
Employment exclusion: 210(a)(6)(A)
Nonpayment; felony conviction: 202(x)
Person living in: 2005(a)(5)
Student: 202(d)(7)(A)
Adoption assistance: 471(a)(4)
Consolidated health programs: 501(b)(1)
Coordination; adoption assistance and foster care: 471(a)(4)
Financing: 1875
Foster care: 471(a)(4)
Authority of Secretary: 205(a)
Disability: 223(d)(5)
Eligibility verification: 1631(e)(1)(B), (f)
Self-employment: 203(f)(4)(A)
Allied armed services: 217(h)(2)
Time limit: 202(h)(1)(B)(ii), (p); 217(c)
Wages: 203(f)(6)
Work: 203(f)(4)(B), (h)(3)
Income-producing: 1613(a)(3)
Rent: 6(a); 1605(a)(end)*; 1612(a)(2)(F)
Self-support: 1613(a)(3)
Access to data: 1886(e)(6)(F)
Appointment: 1886(e)(2)
Appropriation of funds: 1886(e)(6)(I), (e)(6)(J)
Audit by GAO: 1886(e)(6)(H)
Authority: 1886(e)(6)(C)
Compensation: 1886(e)(6)(D)
Consultation with Secretary: 1135(d)(7)
Duties: 1886(e)(6)(E)
Federal Register; recommendations: 1886(e)(5)
Funding of Congressional Office of Technology Assessment: 1886(e)(6)(G)(ii)
Membership: 1886(e)(6)
Recommendation to Secretary: 1135(d)(7)
Report to Congress: 1886(e)(3)
Services authorized by: 1862(a)(1)(D)
Term of office: 1886(e)(6)(A)
Agency to facilitate payment: 1816; 1842(a)(1)
Agent: 1816(d)
Agreement to participate: 1866
Amount payable: 1814(b)
Arrangement: 1861(v)(5)(A); 1866(a)(1)(H); 1886(c)(1)(E)
Blood deductible: 1813(a)(2); 1833(b)
Carrier for administration of medical benefits: 1842(a)
Certification for payment: 1814(a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(end)
Charge limitation: 1866(a)(1)(G)
Definition: 1835(a)(2)(end); 1861(u); 1866(e)
Determination; appeal: 1869
Disclosure of information: 1866(a)(1)(E)
Hospice program: 1861(u)
Knowledge deemed: 1879(a)(end)
Liability limit; disallowed claim: 1879
Medical and other health services: 1832
Notice: 1816(g)(2)
Nursing facility: 1919(b)(4)(B)
Overpayment: 1870(b)
Participation: 1128(c); 1156(b)(2)
Payment: 1814; 1815; 1835; 1862(h)(4); 1886
Peer review: 1866(a)(1)(F)
Bribe, kickback, rebate: 1128B(b)
Noncompliance: 1846
Notice to Secretary: 1902(a)(41)
Physician charges; payment: 1887
Qualifications: 1819(b)(4)(B); 1919(b)(4)(B)
Reasonable cost: 1861(v)(1)(I), (v)(5)(A)
Regulations: 1816(g)(2); 1835(a)(1); 1866(a)(1)(D); 1881(b)(5)
Reimbursement review board: 1878
Request for hearing: 1878(a)(3), (b), (c)
Restriction: 1915(b)(4)
Review organization: 1866(a)(1)(F)
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(b)(4)(B)
Appointment: 1878(h)
Hearing: 1878(a)
Rules and procedures: 1878(e)
Subpena: 1878(e)
Technical assistance: 1878(i)
Agency payment to provider: 1816(a)
Emergency shelter: 1611(e)(1)(D)
Employment office: 303(a)(5); 482(f)(1)(A)
Health agency; provider of services: 1835(a)(2)(end); 1861(o); 1864(a); 1866(e)
Housing agency; rent: 6(a); 1605(a)(end)*
Information: 1819(e)(2)(B)
Inspection of reports; disclosure of information: 1106(d)
Institution: 1611(e)(1)(A), (e)(1)(C)
Officer; employee: 218(b)(3)
Official; trade or business exclusion: 211(c)(1)
Transportation service; employment: 210(k)
Welfare personnel training grants: 705
See Disclosure of Information
Notice or Report
Child welfare services allotment percentage: 422(b)
Federal medical assistance percentage: 1118; 1905(b)(2)
Firefighter: 218(l)
Grant allotment: 2003(a)
Mental retardation grant: 1701
National Guard technician: 218(b)(5)
Net earnings from self-employment: 211(a)(6)
Overpayment: 403(j)(end)
Payment: 3(a)(2); 1003(a)(2); 1108; 1403(a)(2); 1603(a)(2)*; 1903(u)(4)
Plan: 1002(end)
Police officer: 218(l)
Resident; self-employment income: 211(b)(end)
General: 210(h); 1101(a)(1)
number purposes: 205(c)(2)(C)
U.S.; geographical sense: 210(i)
* State-administered Title XVI