Child care: 402(g)(4)
Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility: 1861(cc)(2)(I)
Hospital: 1861(e)(end)(A), (e)(end)(B), (s)(end)
Skilled nursing facility: 1866(f)(1)
Economical: 1156(a)(1)
Exclusion: 1128A(a)
Medically improper or unnecessary: 1156(b)(3)
Medically necessary: 1156(a)(3)
Contract requirements: 1153(c)(7)
Liability: 1157(c)
Peer review: 1154(a)(6)(A)
Peer review organization: 1156(c)
Practitioner: 1156(a)
Research: 1143
Services: 1156(a)(1), (a)(3), (b)(3); 2002(a)(2)(A)
Standards: 1128(b)(10)(B); 1156(a)(2)
Violation of obligation: 1156(b)
Contracts: 1903(k), (m)(2)(A)(ix), (m)(2)(A)(xi), (m)(2)(F)
Definition: 1876(b)(1); 1903(g)(1), (m)(1)
Medical assistance: 1902(p)(2); 1925(b)(4)(D)
Penalty: 1128A(b); 1903(m)(5)
Reporting requirement: 1903(m)(4)
Reporting system: 1121
Services: 1916(a)(2)(D), (b)(2)(D)
Beneficiary by Secretary HHS: 1137(d)(5); 1155
Carrier by Secretary HHS: 1842(b)(5)
Claimant by carrier: 1842(b)(3)(C)
Claimant by State or State agency: 2(a)(4); 6(a)(5); 303(a)(3); 471(a)(12); 475(5)(C); 1002(a)(4); 1006(5); 1122(b)(3); 1402(a)(4); 1405(5); 1602(a)(4)*; 1605(a)(end)(E)*; 1902(a)(3)
Claimant’s representative by Secretary HHS: 206(a)(1); 1631(d)(2)
Decision: 1631(c)(3)
Earnings record revision: 205(c)(7)
Effect on application: 223(b)
Eligible organization to aggrieved: 1876(c)(5)
Entity by Secretary HHS: 1128(f)
Evidence: 205(b)(2)
Expediting: 1869(b)(5)
HMO enrollee: 1876(c)(5)(B)
Hospital by Secretary HHS; transitional allowance: 1884(d)
Individual by Secretary HHS: 1128(f); 1128A(c)(2); 1156(b)(4)
Intermediate care facility by State: 1922(b)(1)
Medicare Geographical Classification Review Board: 1886(d)(10)(E)
Misconduct: 1128A(c)(4)
Nurse aide: 1919(g)(1)(C)
Nursing facility: 1919(h)(8)
Oath or affirmation: 1874(c)
Practitioner by Secretary HHS: 1156(b)(4), (b)(5)
Provider by Secretary HHS: 1155; 1816(e)(3)(B), (g)(2); 1866(f)(2), (h)
Provider by State; overpayment: 1885(b)(1)
Renal dialysis facility: 1881(g)(3)
State by Secretary HHS: 4; 404(a); 506(b)(2), (b)(3); 1004; 1116(a)(2); 1404; 1604*; 1904
Subpena authority: 205(d); 1631(d)(1); 1918
Survivor by State: 1917(a)(1)(B)(ii)
See Home Energy
Maintenance and management: 2002(a)(2)(A)
Repair: 1119
Resource exclusion: 1631(a)(1)
General: 1929
Payment: 1902(a)(13)(F)
State plan: 1905(a)(23)
Block grant: 2002(d)
Income exclusion: 1612(b)(13)
Regulations: 1612(b)(13)
Bonding of employees: 1861(o)(7)
Certification; physician owner: 1814(a)(end); 1835(a)(end)
Compliance with requirements: 1864(a)
Conditions of participation: 1891(a)
Consultative services by State: 1902(a)(24)
Definition: 1861(o)
Durable medical equipment: 1814(k)
Escrow accounts: 1861(o)(7)
Financial security measures: 1861(o)(7)
Payment: 1834(a)(1)(C), (a)(13)
Penalty: 1891(e)(3), (f)(2)
Reasonable cost: 1861(v)(1)(H)
Regional organization: 1816(e)(4)
Reporting system: 1121
Survey: 1891(c)
Definition: 210(j)(3)(C)
Employee: 210(j)(3)(C)
Exclusion from wages: 209(a)(8)
Appliance; medical: 1861(dd)(1)(E)
Arrangements: 1861(w)(1), (dd)(1)
Biologicals: 1813(a)(4)(A); 1861(dd)(1)(E)
Cap amount: 1814(i)(2)
Charity care: 1861(dd)(2)(D)
Coinsurance: 1813(a)(4)
Comfort; personal -items: 1862(a)(6)
Compliance: 1864(a)
Counseling: 1814(i)(1); 1861(dd)(1)(H)
Custodial care: 1862(a)(9)
Deductibles: 1813(a)(4)
Definition: 1861(dd)(1); 1905(o)
Drugs: 1813(a)(4)(A); 1861(dd)(1)(E)
Election of program: 1812(d)
Exclusions from coverage: 1862(a)(1)(C)
Home health aide: 1861(dd)(1)(D)
Homemaker services: 1861(dd)(1)(D)
Hospital insurance benefit: 1811
License; State: 1861(dd)(2)(F)
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(13)(D); 1916(a)(2)(E), (b)(2)(E)
Medical social services: 1861(dd)(1)(C)
Medicare beneficiaries: 1814(i)(2)(C)
Nursing care: 1861(dd)(1)(A)
Occupational therapy: 1861(dd)(1)(B)
Physical therapy: 1861(dd)(1)(B)
Physician; attending: 1861(dd)(3)(B)
Physician’s services: 1812(d)(2)(A); 1861(dd)(1)(F)
Plan; written: 1814(a)(7)(B); 1861(dd)(1)
Provider agency: 1816(e)(5)
Provider of services: 1861(u)
Records; central clinical: 1861(dd)(2)(C)
Requirements met: 1861(dd)(4)(A)
Respite care: 1813(a)(4)(A)(ii); 1861(dd)(1)(G)
Scope of benefits: 1812(d); 1861(dd)(1)
Speech-language therapy: 1861(dd)(1)(B)
Standards: 1861(dd)(4)(A)
Supplies, medical: 1861(dd)(1)(E)
Terminally ill patient: 1861(dd)(3)(A)
Volunteers: 1861(dd)(2)(E)
Waiver deemed: 1812(d)(2)(A)
Agency: 1864(a)
Charity care: 1861(dd)(2)(D)
Definition: 1861(dd)(2)
Records; central clinical: 1861(dd)(2)(C)
Acute care: 1886(c)(1)
Admissions; review: 1902(a)(30)(B)
Arrangements for services: 1866(a)(1)(H)
Capital-related cost: 1886(g)(1)
Capital; return on equity: 1886(g)(2)
Charge: 1154(e)(4); 1866(a)(1)(G)
Community hospital program: 1820
Community; sole: 1886(a)(2)(A), (d)(5)(D)
Compliance with requirements: 1128(b)(13); 1864(a)
Conditions of participation: 1861(e)(end)(B)
Consultative services by State: 1902(a)(24)
Control; disclosure: 1126(a)
Costs; education: 1886(h)
Costs; Secretary’s records: 1886(f)(1)
Definition: 1861(e)
Discharge classification: 1886(d)(4)(A), (d)(7)
Discharge planning process: 1861(ee)
Eligibility limitation: 1611(e)(1)(B)
Emergency services: 1814(d); 1835(b)(1); 1867
Facilities: 1884
Hearing; transitional allowance: 1884(d)
Lesser-of-cost-or-charges: 1814(j)
Liability limitation; norm of care provided: 1157(c)
Medical assistance: 1915(c)(2)(B), (c)(7)(A)
Nonparticipating: 1814(d)
Nonpayment by Secretary: 1886(f)(2)
Nonprofit; gifts; reasonable cost: 1134
Obligation as health care provider: 1156(a)
Occupancy rate determination: 1861(v)(1)(G)(i)(end)
Organ procurement: 1138
Ownership change: 1902(a)(13)(B)
Ownership disclosure: 1126(a)
Patients; low income: 1886(a)(2)(B)
Payment: 1814(l); 1876(h)(2); 1886(c)(6)
Peer review: 1154(e)(3); 1866(a)(1)(F), (a)(1)(end)
Penalty: 1128A(b)
Person living in: 2005(a)(5)
Professional standards review organization: 1866(a)(1)(F)
Admissions; review: 1902(a)(30)(B)
Definition: 1861(f)
Inpatient services: 1905(h)
Inspections: 1902(a)(26)(B)
Patients; low income: 1886(a)(2)(B)
Public: 1886(a)(2)(B)
Puerto Rico subsection (d): 1886(d)(9)
Regulations: 1861(e)(end)(B); 1903(i)(3)
Reimbursement control system: 1886(c)
Reporting system: 1121; 1902(a)(13)(A)
Retirement system coverage group: 218(d)(6)(B)
Rural: 1102(b); 1154(a)(15); 1861(mm); 1866(a)(1)(I); 1867(e)(6)
Staff: 1861(aa)(2)(J)
Payment: 1886(c)(1)(end)
Payment methodology: 1902(a)(13)(B)
Reimbursement control system: 1886(c)(4), (c)(5)
Reports to Secretary: 1886(c)(5)(B)(iii)
State agency; compliance: 1864
Subsection (d) hospital: 1886(d)(5)
Teaching: 1814(g); 1835(e); 1842(b)(7); 1861(b)(7)
Transfer agreement with skilled nursing facility: 1861(l)
Tuberculosis: 1605(a)(2)*
Utilization review plan: 1861(k)
Wage index: 1886(d)(8)(C)
Administration: 1874
Age requirement; widow or widower: 226(e)
Agreement with provider: 1866
Alien suspension provision applicable: 202(t)(9)
Amount of benefit: 1869(a)
Application of Title II: 1872
Application requirement: 226(a), (b)(2)(C)(i); 1811
Disability insurance: 226(b)
Medicare: 1818(g)
Railroad retirement: 226(a)(2)(B), (b), (d)
Carrier; administration: 1842(a)
Coverage period: 1818(c)(8); 1838(a); 1843(e)
Deductible: 1813(b)(2)
Determination; hearing: 1869
Disability insurance beneficiary: 226(b)
Disability period: 226(f)
Conditions: 1811
Railroad retirement beneficiary: 226(a)(2)(B)
Termination: 226(c)(2)
Extended care services: 1812(a)(1), (b)(1)
Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund: 1817
Government employee: 210(p); 218(n); 226(a)(2)(C); 1811
Hospice care: 1811; 1812(a)(4), (d)
Liability limits; disallowed claim: 1879
Long-stay case: 1814(a)(5); 1866(d)
Option: 1803
Organization’s name: 1873
Patient’s choice: 1802
Premium amount: 1818(d)(2); 1839(d)
Professional services: 1887(a)(1)
Program description: 1811
Prohibition against Federal interference: 1801
Provider; condition of participation: 1863
Railroad service: 226(f)
Regulations: 226(a)(2)(A); 1818(b); 1837(a); 1871; 1879(d)
Renal disease; end stage: 226A
Scope of benefits: 1812
Services covered: 226(c)(1)
State agency; compliance: 1864(a)
Totalization agreement: 233(c)(3)
See Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
Definition: 201(l)(5)(B); 1817(j)(3)(B)(iii)
See Cost
Assistance: 1612(b)(14); 1613(a)(8)
Age requirement: 202(c)(1)(B)
Amount of Benefit
Age reduction: 202(q)
Child in care; effect of: 202(q)(5)(A)(ii)
Entitlement on own earnings record: 202(c)(1)(D)
Normal: 202(c)(3)
Filing: 202(r)
Requirement: 202(c)(1)(A)
Child in Care
Condition of entitlement: 202(c)(1)(B)
Deduction event: 203(c)
Effect on payment amount: 202(q)(5)(A)(ii)
Beneficiary Worked
Insured Worked
No child in care: 203(c)
Rehabilitation services refusal by insured worker: 222(b)(3)
Deportation of worker: 202(n)(1)(B)
Divorced Husband
Annual earnings test: 203(b)(2)
Charging excess earnings: 203(f)(1)
Definition: 216(d)(4)
Entitlement on former spouse’s earnings record: 202(c)(5)
Family maximum; exclusion: 203(a)(3)(C)
Foreign work test: 203(d)(1)(B)
Entitlement: 202(c)(1)
Husband; definition: 216(f)
Marital status: 202(c)(1)(C)
Alien outside U.S.: 202(t)
Felony conviction: 202(x)
Worker’s substantial gainful activity: 223(a)(1)
Student child: 202(s)(1)
Termination Events
Death: 202(c)(1)(E), (c)(1)(F)
Disability cessation: 225(a)
Divorce: 202(c)(1)(G)
Marriage: 202(s)(2)
Other: 202(c)(1)(I), (c)(1)(J), (c)(1)(K)
Remarriage: 202(c)(1)(H), (c)(4)
Termination month: 202(c)(1)(mid)
* State-administered Title XVI